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Started by BW_Williams, March 25, 2005, 04:24:39 PM

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Anyone out there currently involved with a Community Wildfire Prepardness Plan?  Ours is nearing completion, and it's now required before grant monies will be awarded.  Any success/horror stories out there?
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Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


If you need help developing one, my old employer in Cali is writes these all the time.  I can refer you if you wish.  I never was involved with that part of the business.  They do pretty good at freeing up grant money, its thier specialty.
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.


Thanks Till, but ours is pretty much done.  The Conservation District is actually writting it with input from everyone, mine being the fire stuff.  We got $60k for this year and are requesting $250k for next year for shaded fuel breaks.
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Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


250K will buy anywhere from 250 acres to to about 600ish depending on scope of work and any saw logs you can salvage.  Maybe even more.  I can also refer you to a friend of mine that would love to bid on implementing one for you.  He has the experience and equipment and would love to work in Washington.  In other words let me know when a bid package or RFP is issued.  I will forward it to him or I will give you the particulars.
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.


Till, point your friend to the WADNR website, they administer the contracts and we're running around $2k/acre, with no logs.
Support your local Volunteer Fire Dept.  (not by accident)
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Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


The fire districts in Cali have to handle the contracts.  WADNR I'll let him know. Thanks ;D
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.


I need to vent!  After 2 years of tenative funding with zero work being done (other than homeowners around thier places), we finally are supposed to recieve 130K this year.  I've been very frustrated with the state and now that it appears we are moving on this the USFS drops the spotted owl bomb on me at the eleventh hour, and says we can't do a shaded fuel break right where we need it.  The person from the FS has been in our meetings all along and never mentioned a thing about spotted owls 'til now.  I'm spittin' mad.  Does anyone near San Fransico feel like visiting a judge and educating her about how her decisions affect people and the forests we live in?  What ever happened to common sense?  Has anyone out there seen any work done thru a CWPP or are the buearoctrats using the funds to do other work.  HELP!  BWW
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Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


CWPP is merely a means of direction in treating or attempting to treat communities at risk.  The Feds (and I am one) will still have to do NEPA to clear areas for treatment.  However, the CWPP makes it easy to link to HFI and HFRA Categorical Exclusions thru NEPA.  Done a good one in Colorado, have about 5,500 acres of National Forest lands, 1,500 acres of BLM, and couple hundred of USFWS cleared and projects under way.  I was involved from start to finish on this one, lots of Saturday mornings in living rooms explaining the process to subdivisions. 

This thing loads slow due to graphics but here'tis.  Good luck!



Thanks Rocky,  that one is alot fancier than ours.  I didn't mean to sound negative but my frustration with one "ologist" is showing.  I have alot of friends that drive green trucks ;)  BWW
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Support your local Ski Patrol (by snowboarding:)
Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


I hear ya, I'm no longer in Colorado but while there I had to deal with the "leave it alone" menatlity more than anywhere I've worked.  Some wearing the green and some not.  I don't know if I'm just so stubborn or what but I eventually wore them down to treating gobs of acres.  It took me 3 or 4 years but finally got a good relatonship with folks wanting action.  It's funny, most of the homeowners wanted us working on the property line and some of them and their fuels reduction actually necessitated us into action.  The Granting process was in full force when I left and it relly looks good for continued money for the private side.  The Feds are bound (as in directed) to spend 60% of their fuels $ in WUI's and in areas with CWPP's.  I still check in on the folks in the Upper Arkansas Valley and talking with CSFS (Colorado State Forest Service), looks good this year too.  Now the bugs (mountain pine beetle) are tearing them a new one.  CSFS or your State Forestry bunch are the key in finding and using $ for fuels reductions.  I'd keep on them like stink off roadkill on a hot day.............


Rocky, we got the bucks, the ologist is trying to apply federal rules on state and private land.  Thanks for the info,  BWW
Support your local Volunteer Fire Dept.  (not by accident)
Support your local Ski Patrol (by snowboarding:)
Mayor of Millerdale, Washington, USA (by God)!


My brother is a consulting biologist, retired FS Biologist, e-mail or PM me if you need a hired gun.  I bet he can cut through the red tape.
Making Tillamook Bay safe for bait; one salmon at a time.

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