iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Old wood burner info

Started by burtle, October 26, 2020, 08:59:52 PM

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 So i came across this old wood burner on Facebook. A lady was giving it away for free. I went and picked it up. She said 44 others had messaged her one after another after me. I have a new wood burner in my garage, so i won't be using this one until I get my shop built.

Can anyone tell me about this wood burner? It says, the earth stove on the front with the date of 1977.

it appears to be in very good condition. I'm just trying to find out as much info as I can on it.
Never Give Up






I'm not sure why the pictures are sideways 
Never Give Up

Walnut Beast

It's a Earth stove. They where made in Waco Nebraska 

Walnut Beast

They were pretty good stoves 

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