iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Sugar Maple?

Started by Treeflea24, August 21, 2023, 11:04:36 AM

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Frontier OS31 bandsaw mill
Dehumidifier Kiln with sanitize heat,
Honda Pioneer 1000-5
Stihl and Huskies...


south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Likely sugar maple, but an almost identical maple is black maple in So. Mi. Black maple is more in the bottom lands of rivers where it is moister.
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))


Is this in an urban area? I highly suspect that to be Norway maple (Acer platanoides). the very long stems are a giveaway. Break the leaf stem and if its white/milky its a norway.
kill it. no mercy if so. displacing Sugar maples aggressively. I see it all the time now in Vermont. escaping yards and parks and headed into the woods. 

Old Greenhorn

Pretty sure that is Sugar maple. The two parallel sides on the longest frond of the leaf is the tell tale. WDH taught me that about 3 years ago.
Tom Lindtveit, Woodsman Forest Products
Oscar 328 Band Mill, Husky 350, 450, 562, & 372 (Clone), Mule 3010, and too many hand tools. :) Retired and trying to make a living to stay that way.  NYLT Certified.
OK, maybe I'm the woodcutter now.
I work with wood, There is a rumor I might be a woodworker.



Ron Scott


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