iDRY Vacuum Kilns


outdoor boiler

Started by petefrom bearswamp, November 27, 2023, 08:43:45 AM

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petefrom bearswamp

My latest start ever, fired up 2 weeks ago.
Used my 9 yr old mini split as a heat pump for the early heating.
The months electricity was 120 KWH more than last year.
Electricity here was $.14 per KWH last time I checked so about 17 bucks to heat for that period.
this was of course just the early heating season but IMO not bad.
Definitely winding down on the wood heating and plan to use the heat pump for the shoulder seasons after this years wood is used up, then the oil boiler.
Kubota 8540 tractor, FEL bucket and forks, Farmi winch
Kubota 900 RTV
Polaris 570 Sportsman ATV
3 Huskies 1 gas Echo 1 cordless Echo vintage Homelite super xl12
57 acres of woodland


I imagine you did good on the wood pile.. As for me in Allenton , WIs. I burned noticably less wood. My mom grew up in Utica  , by the way.

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