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Markets for eastern red cedar mid mo

Started by Log321, February 14, 2025, 09:35:27 PM

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Recently bought a property that is almost completely covered in eastern red cedar. Probably 100 acres worth. Plenty of good saw logs and smaller diameter trees as well. They are very thick, and on most trees all the branches are dead 3/4 of the way up. The stand of cedar is 80-100 years old. Discussing ideas and trying to find some local markets to get rid of some of it. Located in mid Missouri. Does anyone have any ideas or contacts?


Sawing part time mostly urban logs -St. Louis/Warrenton, Mo.
LT40HG25 Woodmizer Sawmill
LX885 New Holland Skidsteer


Get hold of Missouri Div of Forestry and ask for a list of cedar mills in Mo.  There are several.  Some decent size.  Ask the DoF for a list of loggers in Mo. too.
What town are you near?
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


Cedarman, thank you, i have an outdated list of mills from the mdc but yes I definitely need to get with them and get a more current one. I am in the middle of the state, south of sedalia. I've talked to some different mills about buying saw logs, however as of now the closest place i have found for the small stuff is 2 hours away, in vieanna, not the end of the world but there is a lot of knowledge on here and figured it would be smart to ask. Thanks again for the reply



IMHO, there are two markets for the smaller stuff.  Cedar fence posts are an old line product and pretty easy to cut and stack into bundles.  If you have a mill, 4 x 4 posts are good for the homeowner market.

For the even smaller stuff, look at bundled firewood and/or kindling.  Cedar burns well wet or dry especially considering you have trees that are almost all heartwood. 

If you can't or don't want to do the harvesting and marketing, look around for firms that are selling those products and talk with them.  I'd love to have that much cedar but it's a fenceline/field edge tree for us.  Very seldom do I see a whole field of them and it's usually where a pasture grew up and cedar beat the gum trees in establishment.


Thanks for the reply TreefarmerNN. As of now I really just need a place to sell logs or chip wood so I can do something productive with the trees instead of having to push them out with my dozer. I have to get fence up on the farm first. Which is a lot of trees but a small fraction of what i will have left after the fence is up. In the future I wouldn't mind sawing and marketing the cedar. I plan on doing the harvesting. This place was a corn and hay field before it was let to grow. I stand this big and old is fairly rare for my little area. Where the praries and Ozarks meet


By the way, I have one acre marked out right now and am clear cutting it. The goal being to get an idea of the quantity i really have. It is pretty consistent through out, or appears to be.


 I wish I was closer, I'd take a TT load. Around here in the northeast cedar fence post sale out fast.
Ed K


Ed K's post brought to mind an easy way to advertise cedar posts.  You've got a local county Farm Bureau and they may have a bulletin board.  Just put a notice on the board.  If you are a member, ask to attend a county board meeting and/or let your local Extension agent know you have cedar posts for sale.  We use cedar round posts when we can and they last about as long as current salt treated posts so whatever ST post cost in your area is a price point. 


There is a pretty good market for 4x4 from 6' to 9', and 3/4" x 4 to 6" wide by 4', 6' and 8' pickets too in the St Louis area.
Also 2x4x8 full size.
Prices are good.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


Cedarman would you have the name or some contact info for those mills? I don't know if that is rude to ask or not,if it is i apologize.


Call Foster Brothers in Aux Vasse.  They have a big mulch company and buy mulch or slabs from a lot of mills.  They may be able to help you.
Not rude to ask.  Good luck in your hunt.
Call Forestry Dept at Univ of Mo.  They did some work with ERC a good many years ago and they make have some contacts.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.

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