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Sweet Corn an act of War

Started by johnjbc, August 19, 2005, 01:19:40 PM

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Finally got time to post pictures of the fence I built to keep Groundhogs out of my sweet corn.
I got an electric fence charger rated for 100 miles of fence wire.   smiley_sun
Then I built a 3 strand fence with strands at 5", 10", and 15" above the ground. smiley_smash To make sure that the Groundhog makes a good ground connection I ran a 4th strand about 6" outside the fence laying on the ground and connected it to the ground post on the charger.
I realize that this may be a bit of over kill but when something gets in my sweet corn this is war! smiley_hanged

I was losing about ½ dozen ears a night but since it has been turned on I haven't lost any. 8)

LT40HDG24, Case VAC, Kubota L48, Case 580B, Cat 977H, Bobcat 773


I'd hate to see what the big gun's look like :D

I'll try that to keep the neighbors dogs out of the yard.
Peterson 8" ATS.
The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.


If you are loseing corn at night it might be raccoons. We are at war with them here. Since it is in the city my weapons are limited to a live trap.


Have used traps in previous years and got 1 Raccoon and one Possum but most were Groundhogs. I have limestone ground and it seems to draw Groundhogs. There are literally hundreds of holes on my ground. Luther the old farmer who used to own the farm my ground came from kept 3 acres to live on. Was shooting 25 Groundhogs every year on his 3 acres until they found him out back with his .22. He sure loved to hunt.

What ever it is the electric fence is working. :) :)
LT40HDG24, Case VAC, Kubota L48, Case 580B, Cat 977H, Bobcat 773



He had a Heart Attack. At least he went doing something he loved to do.  He was 86
LT40HDG24, Case VAC, Kubota L48, Case 580B, Cat 977H, Bobcat 773


Whatever they are I hope you win. I am not win right now . I am getting the 22 out tonight. Going to shot from inside the house out of an opened window.


What's groundhog taste like.  ;D


 They taste like a ground hog  :D


Don't know but if you want to find out I can save you one. :D :D
LT40HDG24, Case VAC, Kubota L48, Case 580B, Cat 977H, Bobcat 773


Hogs eat roots, bark, shoots, insects and little carrion now and again and I like ham.

You might find that they are something to put in the freezer and fill the stew pot now and again.  :)

If you really know how to sell, you might bar-b-cue a few and sell them on the corner.  :D


Reminds me of the time I declared war on coons in my patch.  Set up a propane cannon...the patch was a few miles from the house.  Went off every 15 minutes or so all night long.  Took care of the coon problem but for some reason I wasn't to popular with some of the neighbors.  ;D :D :D ;D
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Quote from: Tom on August 19, 2005, 03:33:01 PM
What's groundhog taste like.  ;D

IT's greasy, stringy and nasty. But I knew an ole boy that ate it all the time
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


If you have insulated windows, shooting a gun inside the house can damage the seal on the units.  They fog over nearly permanantly... 
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."


   What's the difference between a ground hog,a gopher,and a praire dog? We just started gettin ground hogs,shoooeee what a pain.
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
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Thanks for the info about the windows But I don't have any like that. If I did the indoor rifle range in the basement would have ruined them all already.


You don't need guns to keep coons out of the sweet corn patch.......

Golden Marlin fly bait, you can buy it at any farm supply store. We get it at Fleet Farm.

I can of Coke, one cup of fly bait. Mix in old dish you dont want any more. Place in center of corn patch.

Dig BIG hole.

Next morning bury dead coon and other dead critters you may find. They dont wander too far from the dish :o :o

Lot quieter than a .22 in the city too.

Norwood LM2000, 20HP Honda, 3 bed extentions. Norwood Edgemate edger. Gehl 4835SXT


Don't worry about it. Keeps the city slickers on their toes 8)
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Young groundhog, not bad eatin.
Old groundhog, Grandma Flossie says to "render it out to oil your boots with" or dry the hide for shoe laces.

Few years ago the fish and wildlife around here were wondering why stuff like crows were dying.
A: Corn soaked in anti-freeze.

I have quit farming.


I use oil rendered from coon fat for boots 8)


I wonder if racoon or groundhog would tase anygood with a side of grits?  ::)


you can use the grits to soak up the grease...

i've never ate either, i've heard young groundhog is edible, i've heard coon is really greasy, coons just don't look tasty, haha, at least groundhogs eat decent food
Woodmizer LT40HDG25 / Stihl 066 alaskan
lots of dull bands and chains

There's a fine line between turning firewood into beautiful things and beautiful things into firewood.


Cook coon same as mutton.
Don't let it cook in its own fat.
Cook on a rack where the fat drips off.


Best to eat a young one if possible also, and pulling meat off the bones to make yip-yip...or sloppy joe's.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMm GOOD 8) 8) 8)

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