iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by jeff, May 03, 2001, 02:54:59 PM

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Here is a site that I keep track of. I have an interest in ospreys, as I have grown up fishing Houghton lake  watching ospreys fishing it to.

This is a web cam set up to watch an osprey nest in Maryland. Its Great!
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Ron Scott



Thanks for the link Jeff. Thats not far from me. A beautiful bird, love to watch them fish.


Bill Johnson

Osprey's are an awesome bird.
We were out doing a netting project on lake where we had attempted to introduce walleye by stocking adult fish several years before. There were several small islands on the lake. On one island in the top of an white pine snag there was an osprey nest, just down the lake on the next island was a colony of 30-40 blue herons.
One day while we were working the osprey started making and awful fuss, and took off after a blue heron that was cruising along about 5 feet off the water minding its own business. The osprey hit it from behind and drove it right into the water. I didn't realize until then that when a heron is in water too deep to stand in they have a heck of time getting airborne. This poor guy flopped around in the water and struggled to get to shallow water, all the time the osprey was diving in and generally putting a real beating on the heron.
The heron finally managed to get to shallow water, stand up, and then get airborne. It didn't waste any time getting back to the colony and once there the osprey seemed to back off.
I never could figure out what set the osprey off. The heron wasn't any where near the osprey nest when the attack started, in fact the nest was on the opposite side of the island. The only other thing that may have set it off was that we were lifting a gill net near the attack site and were discarding any dead fish (small mouth bass, suckers, etc.) that were in the nets, so maybe the osprey was thinking the heron was moving in on a potential free lunch.
It sure made for an interesting day to say the least.


Have ya'll looked in on the ospreys lately?
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Checked it just the other day and those darn birds put a stick up in front of the webcam to block our view. The nerve of those birds.



I think they did something to smear the camera lens now...
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I do believe that the web cam has bit the dust for one reason or another. Shame. Hope they can get it fixed. That was a great link.



Today was the first time I looked at the link and I think it was great.

Thanks :) :) :)


Marc you were watching the web cam? I only am getting a blue screen.----hummmmmm----.
Mabe something is wrong with my machine.



That's all I get is a blue screen too and can't even get an audio even though it looks like it is working.


Me too. Blue screen.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I hear that one's eyes change at 40.  Do you reckon that we'll never be able to see that again?


O.k, thats just about enough of that ;)
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I'll go up to bat for you on this one Jeff. I'm not forty yet and the screen is still blue for me as well.  ;)

Oh well least I tried.

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