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This years successful coyote hunts

Started by TimberGhost, December 27, 2005, 03:33:29 PM

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Here is a picture of a big male I took at the begining of this year. He was about 45-50 lbs. This one here was with 2 others that exploded out of the buches in front of me when I was blowing the rabbit squealer. The other one that I did not get a shot off at came toe to toe with me and stepped on my foot. Was that a heart pounder!!

Here is a pup I took this summer with someone else doing the calling. He had mange so bad we could smell him before we got to him. We did this little one a favore by him down!!



Thanks for the pis..I have killed fox also that gave me the thumbs up on the way down , in thanx for ending thier mangy nightmare.....many people dont understand how cruel mother nature is in her methods of eliminating alpha predators.well I will do my part to aid them in a speed you do!!!!


Buzz you are right I have seen them so bad that they had no hair on them at all and could barely move in the coldest of winter. This pup here was so bad I wouldn't touch him so I wrapped a branch around his neck for the pic!!



Yep - killing off a sick animal is a kindness.  Some people care more for their own feelings, than the suffering of the animals.
So, how did I end up here anyway?


You know I took a lot of criticizm for shooting that pup but not only did he have mange but DanG it he would have grown up to be a bird and rabbit killer just like his parents!!



has anyone heard that the 'coyote is its worst enemy?'  that is, populations build up so high and so do the diseases (i.e.,. mange), which causes the populations to crash.  this takes the population a long time to recover, or so i've heard.

I prefer shooting the little boogers, though thinning the population actually causes average litter sizes to rise...


Quote from: bugboy on December 28, 2005, 04:27:53 PM
I prefer shooting the little boogers, though thinning the population actually causes average litter sizes to rise...

Your right bugboy!! The coyote's littler of pups is dependant upon how much food is available and what the land can support. They are a very interesting animal. But I still prefer a dead one!!!



I am hoping they'll have a wolf season some day soon in Idaho.  It can be tough differentiating between the two where they coexist, especially at 400 yards! :o

they are increasing in numbers in Virginia, but i have yet to see any.  I usually see lots of foxes, which is good because the coyote usually displaces/kills them when they move in.  Lots of nice color varieties of foxes here, red to silver...

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