iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Definately Need a Dig Cam!!!

Started by Coon, November 13, 2006, 09:40:30 PM

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I was out cutting some firewood for my garage this morning in the fog and the horror frost.  It was such a beautiful sight in all but it was not nearly as beautiful as what I was about to see about an hour after I got home.

  When I got home my wife told me there was a phonecall for me while I was out.  There was a phone number waiting there for me if I was interested in a fairly easy job that my back would handle.  My wifes cousin phoned to tell me that a guy was looking for someone to help him cutting firewood.  All the job supposedly entailed was to run a tractor pulling firewood out of the bush on a short skid and I didn't even have to get out of the tractor to hook any chokers or chains or anything.  I figured well ...... hmmm.... I guess I'll have to go check it out for myself.  I phoned the # not realizing that it was the wifes cousins family business the local tire shop in the next town over from us.  Tike told me to stop by the shop and he'd give me directions to the guys place.  I got directions to Gordon's place only to find out that they had been pulling my chain all along.  Gordon did have a job waiting there for me if I wanted it but it was not pulling out firewood but rather running a homemade bandsaw mill or homemade circular mill.  It was my choice between the two mills which I wanted to run.  WOW!!!! What an eye opener.  Both mills look just as if they had come off of some assembly line, something that was being produced by some big manufacturing company.  Nope, they aren't being mass produced or anything but just made by another semi-retired farmer.  I still can't believe my eyes but it is definately true.  With the money that he offered to pay me to come saw for him I just couldn't resist in all when he said I could work at my convenience for the sake of my back.

Boy could I ever use a digital camera right now.  I'd even be stupid enough to go out and try to take some pics just for the forum if I could.  I haven't tried either of the mills out yet but will tomorrow.  If they cut anything like they look I'm gonna get the guy to build me one of each if I can at some point and time. :D :D  Guess with some of the green that I will be accumulating  I AM GOING TO GET A DIGITAL CAMERA....


Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


They say that every cloud has silver lining.  Sometimes there is a pile of gold in the fog.  Looks like you walked straight into it.  Ain't it grand to be happy?  8)



Maybe I better get one of those out of the way for ya  ;)  ;D

Have fun & go easy on that back.


That's really neat  8) 8)

Yup... you got to get a camera now. They make some that are very reasonably priced and I know for sure that you would get lots of help posting them ;D
MS193, MS192 and an 026  Weeding and Thinning. Gilbert Champion sawmill


I don't suppose I'll have time to get the camera anytime soon though.  Gordon has in the neighbourhood of 50,000 bdft worth of spruce logs to saw.  He called me tonight and said that if I want to bring the Subaru and all my parts and supplies needed for the tracked skidder unit that I could use his shop and welders etc...  He has got some skidding for me to do to test it out and get rid of any glitches.  He went on to tell me that he would help me out any way possible with it providing we can get a big order of nearly 10,000 bdft worth of lumber sawn in the next week and a half or so.  Gotta love this....... 8) 8) 8)

Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


Congrats Brad on the new job. 8) We are looking forward to seeing those pics. ;D
Pace yourself & have FUN. :)
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


COOl  8) 8) 8)
I am glad that you found a good person as Gordon that give you a job and help with your projects
two mills wow  :o :o :o you need a new dig cam for sure ;D ;D ;) I'll wait for pics
Wannabe a sawmiller


Just got a call from Gordon.  He's having trouble finding guys to come help tail the mill.  One guy is coming tomorrow but we are still looking for one possibly two more guys.  Not an east thing to do around here.....  There's just far too many wimpy and lazy guys around here (welfare bums) who won't even give it a try. >:(

Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


Wish I lived closer....My spirit is willing even if my body is weak. ::)
just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.

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