iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Our Forestry Forum HandSaw man.

Started by Jeff, March 28, 2007, 07:07:33 PM

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I had one hoot of a time at DanG's and Mr. Hooties this last week when in Florida, and I'll post more on the Hootie trip in an existing thread, but I wanted to post this here.

I am declaring Woodbowl our official forestry forum handsaw man. :D

We were sitting around in front of DanG's industrial operations the morning we were goingto hooties and Olen spied one of them great Baker products handsaws that Tom Stout from Baker makes available to Forum members from time to time at events.

Olen took it out of its case and started hitting with his thumb, making it sing! He gave me some short lessons, and not having a bow he picked up a draw knife for demonstration purposes.

"Olen, show me how to do it eh?"


I'm makin a movie...


Here is a short clip of that sequence, its still about 4 megs, so slow connections start now! :D

Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I guess I'm going to have to watch out thumping around on different tools from now on. You never know who has a camera pointed your way.

What's really funny is tip toeing around the yard to sneak up on a dog about half asleep. Make a little wooooooo sound on the hand saw like you hear in a scary movie, and watch his ears stand up. He'll look around trying to figure out where it came from and if you lay low he'll forget he heard a spooky noise. Wait till he gets a little comfortable then ......... wooooooo again. Most times he'll jump up like you poked him with a hot shot. You can read his mind then. He says, I know I heard something that I've never heard before.  :D
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.


Dat was funny all right.  Olen didn't have a clue he was being recorded!  Dat was just before we all went to the outhouse.  What a fun day!
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I couldn't get the one back at Toms to do it, his saw seemed to be a whole lot stiffer, I couldnt hardly bend it one way. I think it was a different kind of saw. Then again, it coulda been me. :)
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


 :D  Jeff ....Mine wouldn't play a tune either.  :D

just another beaver with a chainsaw &  it's never so bad that it couldn't get worse.


Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


There ain't you guys won't come up with.  "DOG WOOOOING"
I hope Arky don't see this, poor ole LBJ won't be the same.

Lewee, ya got a patent on that saw yet?   a manual operated skill saw. kinda gives a whole new meaning to the word "circle saw" doesn't it.


Olen, that wasn't Dopey you were spookin was it?  I still laugh every time I think of his moanin and groanin when we were over there.
Slabs  : Offloader, slab and sawdust Mexican, mill mechanic and electrician, general flunky.  Woodshop, metal woorking shop and electronics shop.


No, we didn't try to spook Dopey that day. I didn't even think about it at the time, but I kinda wish I had now. I don't know though, he's got another dog there that'll size you up every time you take a step. He don't say much, but his body language suggest that ......... if you turn your back on me, I'm gona to do a taste test on that side.  ::)

I'm not sure I remember which one is named Dopey. I remember some of the others though from hearing DanG call them at feeding time. Some of them he called Dummy, Idiot, Stoopid and some of the others I probably aught not to say on the air.  ::)
Full time custom sawing at the customers site since 1995.  WoodMizer LT40 Super Hyd.



I thought that I was going to get to play the bass guitar with  you, but that is music that I am not familiar with ;D.  I will have to figure some way to follow you with the bass in that one :D.
Woodmizer LT40HDD35, John Deere 2155, Kubota M5-111, Kubota L2501, Nyle L53 Dehumidification Kiln, and a passion for all things with leafs, twigs, and bark.


I got along just fine with the dogs in da daylight. However night time was a little scary until I found out one of the Dogs had appointed himself my guardian.  Ya see DanG has a cat in the house, that is Mrs DanG has a cat in the house, and because I have an allergy to cats, I opted to sleep in the rental car even though they had a place for me to sack out.

Here is a picture of DanG with his Pack.
Left to right is, as I remember, Silk (who is scared of everything but bread), next is I forget, Next is I forget, Jumping is Happy Girl with Ike hiding behind her, then we have Pluto and finally Frank

The Dog to the right in the Picture Below is Pluto. Pluto took a liking to me right off. He was the one that became my protector at night. He laid down right outside the car door. I got  up twice during the night to water the tires and both times out of the Darkness came dogs charging barking and growling from all directions and Both Times, old Pluto got up, turned to the other dogs while standing right between me and them. BOth thimes the other dogs slunk back into the darkness and pluto would turn around wagging his tail. I'd thank him and scratch his head and climb back in the car and go to sleep. I didnt think much of the saturn I was driving as every time I tried to shift it the wipers came on, but it made a heck of a good motel room. :)

This is Ike, the pup of the bunch

Not sure who these dudes are in this picture.

Heres a clip of Dang and the gang at Bread feeding time.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


You pretty good with da names, Jeff.  Only mix-up is, that was Pluto jumping for his treat in the first pic, and Happy Girl was keepin' an eye on Frank.  The whole roster is, (L-R) Silk, Clover, Beavis, Pluto/Ike, Happy Girl, and Frank.  Happy Girl is Ike's Grandma.  She was in a family way when we got her, but we found homes for all the pups.  One of the new owners didn't spay, as agreed, and Ike is a member of that litter.  I'm glad we took him on, though.  He's a good-un! 8) 8)  Here's the pic I posted of Ike the day we got him. :)

"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Ike reminds me a bunch of Bandit...a pup wandering around on the interstate that the boss rescued many years ago.

Her favorite trick was jumping into a strangers vehicle as soon as the door opened in the driveway.  A water loving dog she was usually wet...and muddy.

A little roll in the grass from her adopted brother, Max.  Bandit left for dog heaven a few years ago.

I like your choice of dogs DanG. :)
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

We need to insure our customers understand the importance of our craft.


Not sure I got the name (Dopey) right because we were laughing so hard at the shenanigans he was putting on.   
Slabs  : Offloader, slab and sawdust Mexican, mill mechanic and electrician, general flunky.  Woodshop, metal woorking shop and electronics shop.


You was close, Slabs.  His name was Goofy, and it fit him well.  He has since gone on to his reward. :'(  He was a faithful friend, and protected me and my stuff for a long time.  Pluto is his understudy, and has taken over the role of "Chief of Vigilance" around here, as Jeff has alluded.  He has recruited Ike as his Leiutenant.  The rest of them are just a part of the 7-dog alarm system.  Nothing has come up missing for a long time. :)
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


What a happy gang you have there DanG. Dogs can be such great pals that bring so much joy into our lives. Can't have too much of that in one life time, is the way I see it!  8)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


Those are some great clips.  :)

We have an office kitty now, it's interesting to see folks reaction when they come in. Some just ignore her but most have to reach down and talk to her with a petting included, I always judge their inner self by that.

As for guard dogs I think you've got a fine pack their Dan, I still smile watching them all sitting their being good waiting their turn for a treat. :)


Dan might be off line for a few days  (went out of town) but when he gets back ask him about the cigarette eatin a goat. ;D

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