iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by Jeff, March 08, 2003, 05:29:50 AM

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Member Hosslog sent me some pictures to share!

Looks cold, but I can just imagine the sounds and experience. Gotta beat the heck out of a good gulp of diesel exhaust and roaring engines all day.

Thanks Ira!

Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


Now those are a great looking team, I'm going to copy those and take em out to my worthless Belgian to show her what real horses do. Her idea of work is munching hay.

Thanks for the pics Jeff and Hosslog, pretty cool.


Now see here, Norm, do not get accused of defamen her or giving here a complex.  ??? You know how those title 9 laws are these days. ;D
Frank Pender


Jeez, your right Frank, I never thought of that. On the plus side she's not real bright and would probably settle for an extra scoop of  sweet feed. Oops there I go defaming her again. She usually gets her revenge by stepping on my foot or slobbering all over my head when I'm trimming her feet.

That's a neat setup you have for pulling the logs out Hosslog, did you make it yourself?


Speaking of using horses,  this fellow advertises in the local pennysaver,  thought some would like to see. Here's the link.

I forgot to thank Hosslog for the great shots of his team and Jeff  for getting them up for everyone to see.  Seeing those pics spurred me into finally getting unlazy and type all those letters to get into farmerbrown's site.  I've been seeing his ad for sometime and just never got around to checking it out.
WMLT40HDG35, Nyle L-150 DH Kiln, now all I need is some logs and someone to do the work :)


Your welcome Jeff . Your right about the lack of noise too and the whole setup costs about the same as replacing the tires on a skidder ;D

thanks Norm,yes I built the cart but they are fairly common around here. Your mare just needs another horse to help her out.

 Brian ,The Browns do have a good site especially if your interested in horses.

I enjoyed working that piece of woods. It has been managed for 30 years and has reached a point where the owner can harvest 30,000 to 40,000 BF every 3 years.


Thats a good point about Northern Hardwoods Management. Treat it like you would a retirement fund. Grow the principle and harvest the interest.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I grew up around horses only they were quarter and paints. I will say our Belgian mare (Becky) is different. We bought her about two years ago as a 2 year old and will be having her breed this spring. Few more  years and we'll have our team.

Becky and our log dog Cole are best friends and spend the entire day together. Their favorite game is tag with a piece of old towel that they chase each other with. She's afraid to go in the barn without him, don't think she knows that those mice are smaller than her.


I can't take credit for the management plan, Firth Maple Products takes care of that.

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