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Support a Soldier

Started by CHARLIE, August 22, 2007, 12:34:21 AM

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Somebody here on this forum might be interested in this. They assign you a soldier. He's not a penpal but someone you can write to, send stuff to etc. 
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


Well, I adopted me one.
I sent him a note, he replyed and I sent some info about me with a promise of him returning the favor.
I encourage more of you to do the same.
I remember being across the pond myself and how much any kind of contact with home meant to me. It doesn' take much effort and takes little time.
JustĀ  pc_smiley may mean all the world to a lonely soldier.
Thanks Charlie for the link.


And thank you Haytrader. I'm sure you've made a soldier a little bit happier.
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


Measure twice cut once


I got my 3rd letter (e mail) from my adopted soldier last night. His dad was a Nam vet.
He keeps calling me sir. He is a mechanic and trys to keep the Hummers going.
Thanks again Charlie for giving us this idea. I hope more of you take the time to do this. My soldier is really appreciative and even though I am busy, I am enjoying talking to him.
Oh, I asked him what he thought about the situation over there.
He said he thought we were doing some good but predicts the country will go back to it's old ways once we leave. I have thought that for a long time.
Still, I believe it is important to support the troops.


Just sent my first email to mine. He is air cav
Measure twice cut once


That's my old unit sgt.

I sent to link to my E-mail friends and one already has adopted him a soldier.


   I just signed up ,got no soildier yet. Thanks Charlie for posting this.

   "With all the misinformation put out by the major media,and the treasonous crap spewed by our liberal yellow bellied rollovver,hide your head in the sand lets apoligise to all the world for being such bad neighbors politicians"our finest ,and bravest need all the support we can give them.
   These opinions are mine ,and may not reflect the political standing of the addministrators,but I ain't apoligising for them, no way
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