iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by zopi, January 12, 2008, 05:06:36 PM

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Loan is approved! I'll be making arrangements on monday.

finally got ahold of a local sawyer who will demonstrate for me...he's got a manual lt40 with all the superwhamadyne log handling goodies, but all i really want is to meet another sawyer close by and of course help someone out with cool freebie points from WM,
I don't doubt the quality of the machine at all or I wouldn't even be looking thataway...there are certain collections of parts that claim to be sawmills, but I look at them and cringe...

anyway..the guy is pretty cool and seems to be  very enthusiastic about his mill....this is gonna be phun!

has anyone used the handheld metal detector from Harbor Fright?  I usually steer away from cheap chinese electronics, but this seems to be a direct knockoff of the Garrett units at work...maybe ok..
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Legitimate business's get hurt by chinese knock-offs.  I'd suggest supporting the business that makes it, not the imposters...sorry to be blunt about it... :)
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Ask around at your local tool rental places. I rent a good one for 15.00 a day, cheaper than one band. Just get a good pile of logs going and spend the day detecting and marking. I am waiting for one to reach the end of its rental life so I can buy it :)


you have a point....i had already come to the conclusion that it is junk...just lookin' for a warm fuzzy I guess.. ;D

I do buy alot of HF toolz...but things that need little precision..splitting wedges and tarps spring to mind....more likely
to go to northern tool"> Note:Please read the Forestry Forum's postion on this company tho'

Never sweat being blunt...I'm a Navy Chief...we thrive on blunt.
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Northern sells knockoffs too.  They have cant hooks that look like Logrite's cant hooks but they do not buy anything from Logrite though.
Truck Farmer/Greenhouse grower
2001 LT40HDD42 Super with Command Control and AccuSet, 42 hp Kubota diesel
Fargo, MI



Off topic I suppose but your "I thrive on blunt" comment reminded me of my oldest son. He is an EM1 nuc submariner and is a pretty no nonsense kind of guy himself. He is shore stationed at present but his last tour before that he was on the U.S.S. Columbia out of Pearl Harbor. He is about 5'8" tall and weighs about 190 lbs and is not soft. His Chief's nickname for him was "grumpy stumpy", however he takes it as well he gives it.



What's his name? i might know him...I am currently working in submarines in Norfolk VA...I know some stumpy dudes who are grumpy...can pm it if ya want...
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


I'm gonna hijack badly,     

Congrats on the loan approval.

Congrats on raising a fine son Joe.  How do I know?  Six years on a nuc boat myself - the best folks I'll ever have the pain and pleasure working with (former MM1/SS). 

Zopi,  Any chance you're working on the ALSAKA ?  I'm a plankowner, and I understand she's back East for a new coffee pot.


There has been a little flack over time about the WM demo program. I think what the company is trying to do is several things in one.

They are are trying to show that their mills are good enough that the owners are happy.

The % back is not really a point to try to get someone to "share the misery", it is compensation for taking the time to demo the mill. I know that I have demoed several times and that people have bought a couple. If you do the math I haven't made any money demoing mills, haven't really lost any either.

Personally I enjoy meeting people that have an interest in sawing, if I can be a mentor, GREAT, I like helping people. The demo program just makes it that it is mot a financial hinderance to do it.

OK, let's get back to subs, never been there, but think we really need to hear about the people that are protecting us.


LOOK BOYS!!! Us submarine sailors are sneaking up on the rest of you guys. :D ;D :o :D ;D :o

ZOPI - If you want to make a road trip way out to my part of Virginia to see how we have our LT15 setup.  Just PM me and I wil give you my phone numbers.



Quote from: srt on January 12, 2008, 09:59:54 PM
I'm gonna hijack badly,     

Congrats on the loan approval.

Congrats on raising a fine son Joe.  How do I know?  Six years on a nuc boat myself - the best folks I'll ever have the pain and pleasure working with (former MM1/SS). 

Zopi,  Any chance you're working on the ALSAKA ?  I'm a plankowner, and I understand she's back East for a new coffee pot.

nahh..haven't messed with fact i don't know where she is...I know a buncha MM's both nukes and cones tho'
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Quote from: WH_Conley on January 12, 2008, 10:07:29 PM
There has been a little flack over time about the WM demo program. I think what the company is trying to do is several things in one.

They are are trying to show that their mills are good enough that the owners are happy.

The % back is not really a point to try to get someone to "share the misery", it is compensation for taking the time to demo the mill. I know that I have demoed several times and that people have bought a couple. If you do the math I haven't made any money demoing mills, haven't really lost any either.

Personally I enjoy meeting people that have an interest in sawing, if I can be a mentor, GREAT, I like helping people. The demo program just makes it that it is mot a financial hinderance to do it.

OK, let's get back to subs, never been there, but think we really need to hear about the people that are protecting us.

i understand the point of the program, and support it...I'll ask to be listed as a demonstrator and we're even thinking of setting up at the county fair here just as a point of interest and so the local 4h/ffa whatever kids can learn a little about producing lumber from logs...they all see the tree farming angle and the logging crews at work in the county, but very few get to see the magic easter egg hunt of snatching fresh boards offa cant...and if someone goes out and buys a mill...well cool..but if i inspire a
little spark of that "reverence for wood" (love that book) in just one person....well...that's worth something...but I do want to
see a local guy get a little something in return for showing me his mill and sharing his knowledge, plus the benefit of possibly earning the friendship of a local sawyer...this end of the county is pretty tight knit, and i am slowly trying to work my way into the fabric...good folks, but a little slow to trust...i like that..and they DON'T like mike vick...i live just a couple miles from the
infamous house...ok..i'm babbling again...

hmm...might hafta offer to saw some for the local hunt clubs...i like venison... rock inna smelly can... :D
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Quote from: submarinesailor on January 12, 2008, 10:18:33 PM
LOOK BOYS!!! Us submarine sailors are sneaking up on the rest of you guys. :D ;D :o :D ;D :o

ZOPI - If you want to make a road trip way out to my part of Virginia to see how we have our LT15 setup.  Just PM me and I wil give you my phone numbers.


It might kill you to hear this...but i'm not even a bubblehead...I'm an Aegis FC...just landed at the maintenance facility for shore
duty...I was s'posed to manage the waterfront maintenance project for DDx...but they pulled the plug and i had to dance around for a job...worked out well tho' put anchors on me.

i'd love to come up...just don't have alot of time to...i could drive it blindfolded too...went to school at Dahlgren, and hung out alot in Fredburg...that place is a bloody zoo now...yuck...

I may get back up that way in the next year or so if I don't wind up in the desert....I'll have to have another school before I go back to sea...

besides..i'm ordering the sucker monday.. ;D

desert trees.
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Go for ot Zopi, they won't let met set up at our county fair here. Don't need to get to that. Politics pure and simple. Another thread maybe. ;D

I have had a couple of boys that did not like sawmills offbear for me, Daddy's logs, that were amazed that what came out of them.

Go for whatever works for you.


Quote from: WH_Conley on January 12, 2008, 11:23:42 PM
Go for ot Zopi, they won't let met set up at our county fair here. Don't need to get to that. Politics pure and simple. Another thread maybe. ;D

I have had a couple of boys that did not like sawmills offbear for me, Daddy's logs, that were amazed that what came out of them.

Go for whatever works for you.

aww..if they got all politicky here i'd simply go and point out to some state and federal level investigative types how a bunch of the co gov't seems to be in bed with certain developers... ;D   probably true too...

nahh it isn't that bad, they got a wakeup this last election...half of the gov't turned over...the half that was up for re-election.. :D :D

the fair here is a pretty small affair, and it is all centered around agriculture...not even a midway...i like that. I will have birds showing this year, maybe rabbits, maybe even some birds for sale...crappy tho'...just lost my only Red bourbon turkey hen..was gonna show her.

all I really want to do is tote in a trailer load of logs...maybe some nice stuff that will bookmatch with a good figure...

ok, i want to show off. <G>
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


So we went down and did the mill demo thing....nice guy just up the road has an lt25...and all the hydraulic widgets..I'm already a little jealous..he sawed about a 26" SYP down to a can't and popped a couple of boards off of it...stuff was stained pretty bad though.

I was impressed by the quality of the mill..WM makes a stout piece of equipment. I realize the lt15 is a different class of machine,
but I was impressed by what they put out. I had never really seen a bandmill in operation before today and I have to say,
I believe it was the right choice for me..I was looking at swingers...The thing that got me was that handling logs is a major
chore for me...but I have learned some techniques here lately that changed my mind...(thanks to you guys...)

this fellow has a spankin' new logrite arch that he doesn't i will probably wind up buying from him sometime in the not too distant future...with my bad back and the pain i'm in I still snatched an 8' cypress log off the ground and moved it 50 yards to his log bunks without assistance...I like it.

I was also impressed by the logrite cant hook he had (48" i think) good stuff.

he also has the CD seminar put out by WM...said he learned alot from it..i've asked for it to be sent with my sense in learning by hard knocks.

I believe that the descision to go with this mill combination will prove to be the right move for wife will not be able to do as much as we had figured...she has repetitive motion problems...maybe i'll apply some of my electronics experience and
build an assisted drive system for her...dunno...we'll see how she does with it...I will probably order the reduced effort
head drive for the mill too...
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


the woodmizer video is excellent.  Also, dig around on here, Tom is a real wealth of information with the ability to make it easy for others to understand what he's saying (at least I think I follow him!).

practice and attention to detail, I look at what I've learned while sawing over the past few years, it's amazing.  I go back and reread some of my old posts and questions sometimes, and boy have I come a long ways, but still have a long ways to go.

anybody can make boards, but to make good boards that will dry as straight and flat as possible is where the goal should be :).
Woodmizer LT40HDG25 / Stihl 066 alaskan
lots of dull bands and chains

There's a fine line between turning firewood into beautiful things and beautiful things into firewood.


I have read alot of what Tom has to say, lotta knowledge and experience there...

one of the things i have always tried to do is to listen to those who have been there...been listening to rambling
old men for years...and i'm well on my way to being there.. :D 
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


Rambling Old Men?!?!     Well !!.....  Oh Yeah?!!?                         :D

I need to bookmark this.
It might come in handy when the wife has a boot in butt, chasing me out of the door.

"........but this is important (whine) ...(ouch!) "


 :D guess I didn't context that too well did I?

I have to go back and read your website again in a couple of weeks...try to absorb all that...

guy that demo'd his mill for me this morning seemed impressed that I knew to set the heart check
parallel to the bunks to keep the heart boards from splitting....wonder how long it would have taken me to figure that out for myself?
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


The mill is on the way..>I< have a tracking number.

Marty...thanks for the E-mail..I will reply to the other one tonight.

Is there a such thing as having too many logs? :)
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.

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