iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Don't get complacent

Started by Kevin, May 16, 2008, 10:24:30 PM

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This happened to an arborist with lots of chain saw experience.
He was cutting the bottom of a spring pole with the top of the bar when it snatched the saw from his grip and threw it back at him cutting his arm.


YIKES! That hadda hurt.

Our oldest son got chainsaw lessons yesterday. I still don't think he grasped the danger though.
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


It looks like he was cutting on the wrong side of that spring pole.

I was taught to shave the pole on the inside of the bend until the pole breaks in a controlled manner of its own accord. 

I hope that heals up nicely and there is no nerve damage.

A friend of yours? 
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Just someone I know from an arborist site.
I think it caught him by surprise.


That is an eye opener and I will not forget the image soon :o  Hate to see that happen to anyone.

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