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Bad News

Started by timber tramp, June 07, 2009, 01:35:53 AM

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timber tramp

  Spent today at my oldest step-son's highschool graduation. Only 41 kids in his graduating class, so we know quite a few of the families.

  One of my logger buddies daughters graduating also, but didn't see her dad anywhere. Asked after the ceremony where he was, and got the worst answer possible.

  Turns out that last week while limbing a tree he'd just fell, another nearby tree uprooted and one of the branches hit him in the back of the neck. He's now at Emanuel Hospital in Portland (OR). Quadraplegic, hooked to a ventillator, and very little chance of any signifigant improvement.

  Wished his wife and family my best, and offered any help I might give. Not much else to do I guess. This man has been one of my personal mentors, and I've learned alot from him about falling timber and many other things over the years. Not real sure where I'm trying to go with this just needed to vent, I suppose.

  Keep your eyes open and your wits about you, be careful out there.          :) TT
Cause every good story needs a villan!


That is too bad.You just never know what will happen at times.He is in my prayers.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Wow, that must be tough on the whole family. Sounds like a freak accident.

I have to say, a tree uprooting near a tree that has just fallen or got tipped over by a good rain always worries me just for that reason. Especially if you are taking tension off a tree that is leaning against another.

I just cut up a red oak last week that tipped over and I cut down the small 8" popular tree next to it that was leaning (it tilted because of the roots being intertwined) because I did not want the sword of death over me the whole time I worked around the other tree.


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