iDRY Vacuum Kilns


new purchase

Started by bull, November 14, 2009, 11:22:02 AM

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not yet, suppose to see it tommorrow!!!!


James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


I hope too, got to do the important reading part first !!


   :o :o :o :o  Oh NO. You're NOT gonna read the instructions, FIRST  ??? ??? :o :o :o :o
All truth passes through three stages:
   First, it is ridiculed;
   Second, it is violently opposed; and
   Third, it is accepted as self-evident.

-- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


Quote from: Fla._Deadheader on November 29, 2009, 10:14:02 PM

   :o :o :o :o  Oh NO. You're NOT gonna read the instructions, FIRST  ??? ??? :o :o :o :o
only if all else fails ???

Better to sit in silence and have everyone think me a fool, than to open my mouth and remove all doubt - Napoleon.

Indecision is the key to flexibility.
2002 WM LT40HDG25
stihl 066
Husky 365
1 wife
6 Kids


won't be delivered until sometime after 1pm tuesday >:(


Ya , just us waiting now ..... :-\
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



Do you all suppose Mike is out still playing with the new toy?  It was a nice day for a delivery today...



  You dont supose he forgot the camera and is in hiding now do ya . ???
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



Nope, trucking delay's...spoke to the trucker around 4 pm just leaving PA. Spoke to the trucker a half hour ago he was pulling out of danbury ct and putting up for the night at the rest stop on the Mass pike will talk to him at 7am and should see him shortly there after..... good things come to those who wait, better things come to those who wait longer......


its here !!! met the trucker at 8:30. Showed him around thru thr willy wags to make his exit easier!!
Didn't need the new loading dock I just built.... trailer was a drop deck with very little clearance, driver was affraid he wouldn't get down into my driveway..... We luck out he had some awaesome ramps. I was able to back my tractor right onto the trailer and pull it off...... Now onto set up and a trial run !!!


I can hear the splitting wood from here, he's been at it for hours now.

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Ok yes I had to do it.... Machine is setup. Have some tweeking to do.... Owners manual leaves much to be desired, mostly out of date !!  No info on the conveyor system at all..... guess good old common sense will prevail.... but it will have to wait until Saturday......... Leaving in the AM for CapeCod, Annual State Farm Bureau meeting....  2 days off and an overnight @ a hotel with the Mrs.


You'll get to have some quality time to thanks her for allowing the purchase  ;)

There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Boy I know where I wanna be shopping while you are out of town! ;)  ;D :D

nice new equipment and no one is there to run it or stop someone else for running off with it ::) :o :-*

I'm looking for help all the shrinks have given up on me :o


My son will be here and he has a new 20 gauge on a swing mount attached to his wheel chair and he's becoming a good shot !! I think he'll have it covered and I feel safe that no one will be running off with anything..... beside that my sister will be here making wreaths all weekend and she could give anyone a good swift whoopin " she's a south paw" !!   My toys will be well protected !!! ;)

James P.

Quote from: bull on December 02, 2009, 06:21:26 PM
My son will be here and he has a new 20 gauge on a swing mount attached to his wheel chair and he's becoming a good shot !! I think he'll have it covered and I feel safe that no one will be running off with anything..... beside that my sister will be here making wreaths all weekend and she could give anyone a good swift whoopin " she's a south paw" !!   My toys will be well protected !!! ;)
:D :D :D


Long as she has some "South" in her, she'll be a mean motor scooter.  :D


Quote from: bull on December 02, 2009, 06:21:26 PM
My son will be here and he has a new 20 gauge on a swing mount attached to his wheel chair and he's becoming a good shot !! I think he'll have it covered and I feel safe that no one will be running off with anything..... beside that my sister will be here making wreaths all weekend and she could give anyone a good swift whoopin " she's a south paw" !!   My toys will be well protected !!! ;)
I could not resist!  had to post it after reading the face-book post, lol.  People on face-book bragging they are going out of town on cruise ship only to come home to an empty house!   nothing like advertising to the crooks you will be out of town!

Mark :D
I'm looking for help all the shrinks have given up on me :o


No crooks on FF.... If there are we will weed them out and make sawdust out of them !!!


Quote from: bull on December 03, 2009, 06:33:25 AM
No crooks on FF.... If there are we will weed them out and make sawdust out of them !!!

ohh  in that case who has an empty  pellet making machine ;)

I'm looking for help all the shrinks have given up on me :o


so............................ ??? ??? ???  ???
James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


It is here, I have it set up and have run it have only put 1 cord thru as I have been busy putting equipment away for the winter, getting in firewood for the house and battening down the hatches...
will be in the woods this weekend to start winter logging / ice storm clean up...... But first I will be out cleaning up what mother nature is throwing at us this AM   already 4 inches time to start the plowing !$$$$$$$$ Ca ching !!!!


waiting for an update...................... ???
James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM


I have cleared packed and graded a log yard and site for the processor. Hopefully the yard will stay frozen today...I will be spreading wood chips on top this morning to hopefully keep the frost in..
  Will be working in the woodlot to get a stockpile of logs this week. I have wood allover on the ground *( 103 acres )* thanks to the ice storm... Have to establish a few new haul roads and skid paths, that should get me about 40 cords to start with.....

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