iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Now what do I do .....

Started by bugdust, June 21, 2010, 02:06:04 PM

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Got a called last week from the local Board of Education saying they were cutting a "few white pines" and wanted to know if I would be interested in 8-10 logs. Always looking for free logs I naturally jumped at the offer. Upon pulling on site I quickly noticed the 8-10 logs were grossly underestimated, but not wanting to walk away from a deal I began hauling. By late afternoon and 39 logs later  :-\ I figured enough was enough. Don't get me wrong, these are really nice logs, but now that I've got them, what do you suggest I saw them into? Last year I sawed board and batten, but now I'm thinking lap siding.
Since I retired I really like work: It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.


Most any kind of 4/4 boards will sell later if you don't use them yourself.


39 logs free sure is nice  ;D
I never turn down free logs either  8) and i agree with Tom, 4/4 sells anytime I post them on craigslist
Have fun  8)


congrats Bugdut!!! I'd say that is a dream come true 8) :o ;D
Always willing to help - Allan

Meadows Miller


Welcome to the Forum  ;) ;D 8) 8) 8) Nice score on the logs Mate if it was me id be sawing it all up and sticking it out to dry as quick as i could  ;)

I with tom and Woeboy if you dont have an imediate sale for it it is probobly better to saw it into 1" stock as thats what people are usualy loking for in dry stock for Diy projects  id go for the widest board the log will yeald asfar as the center cant goes  ;)

and in future if you feel alittle overwhelmed with the volume on the site just pick the cream outa it n leave the rest for fire wood that way if you decide to pull the pin on it  and leave some  your only missing out on the rough stuff Mate   ;)

Regards Chris
4TH Generation Timbergetter


I wish I had that problem BD!

Seal the ends up and get them off the ground.

I would love to have too many pine logs  ;D
Why not just 1 pain free day?


What if you just squared them up and stacked the cants somewhere dry?  That way when your ready for them you could mill them into whatever you needed?  It would be a shame to mill them all into 4/4 if a few months down the road you need a bunch of timbers for a timber frame shed or something. 
Of course then again they wouldn't be dry....hmmm, good dilemna to be in though.. ;D
"What the Lion is to the Cat the Mastiff is to the Dog, the noblest of the family; he stands alone, and all others sink before him. His courage does not exceed his temper and generosity, and in attachment he equals the kindest of his race."


My experience with the Katrina pine blow down- peeled logs, cants and unpeeled logs: with bark on, you have very little time before beetles and other bad stuff degrades it, especially out in the open; peeled logs are better but only if under cover and kept dry and even then the lumber will not be nearly as nice as fresh cut; cants about the same as peeled.  Pine gets fungusized pretty quick and that eats up the wood and makes it mealy and soft.  Oak will age beautifully and maintain pretty good quality, pecan excellent if bark free and you keep the powder post beetles at bay, cedar no problem even sitting on the ground, but pine?  Not so much...

Anyway, congratulations on your find- certainly anything you do with them is good since they were free.   8)

LT40, Long tractor with FEL and backhoe, lots of TF tools, beautiful wife of 50 years plus 4 kids, 5 grandsons AND TWO GRANDDAUGHTERS all healthy plus too many ideas and plans and not enough time and energy


cut em, advertise em and sell em
Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned. someone left the gate open


I'd saw 'em into a barn or a shop...  That's just me...
"There is much that I need to do, even more that I want to do, and even less that I can do."

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