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question about edger/planers

Started by bushhog920, February 17, 2011, 03:35:58 PM

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I have a manual bansaw mill and hate edging in the mill. looking at getting a edger but was thinking a edger/planer might be better do not have to be moble or cut over 2"thick. looked at the ones woodmaster has would they be good at edging for this purpose?


The woodmasters aren't the best at edging as they really need a "fence" of sorts to feed lumber straight.  With long in/outfeed tables this might be possible, but you're better off with something designed to straight line.  Don't get me wrong, I love my woodmaster, and the gangrip works like a champ, provided one edge is jointed.  This just isn't it's strong suit.



you need a jointer to make a straight edge first
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Are you wanting to edge green wood right off the mill or after the wood is dried? 

It is possible to straight line on the Woodmaster with the addition of a sled.  Here is a link to a video showing how it's done:

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