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Pricing Rough Sawn Pine for Board and Batten?

Started by rasman57, August 29, 2014, 08:49:50 AM

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The old barn project continues.  Hope some of you that sell rough sawn pine boards can give me an idea what to expect in pricing ranges for either 16 foot 1x10's or 12's.  Green vs air dried vs KD?  3500 bd. ft. of boards and 1100 bd. ft. battens? 


Dollar a board foot and the battens are thrown in for free!  That would be for bright 1x12x16, air dry.  I would make you a deal if you will take it off the mill and put it up green.  Do you think they dried/stickered lumber for barns a hundred years ago?  Nope!  They went over to the mill, got the lumber and put it up!

It will be beautiful and last a wonderfully long time.  Enjoy the process!



My old man just built a 30x40 single story barn using B&B siding. All green mixed hardwoods. He gets the lumber for dirt cheap from a tie mill. Any cant that doesn't cut the mustard for rr ties gets resawn into lumber & sold for next to nothing. Most folks buy it up for firewood. Dad used it to side a barn.
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I believe that the purpose of the battens was to cover the cracks when the green lumber cured and shrank.

Dave Shepard

Cattoon, I agree. It was also to hold the edges of the boards, which would have had a single nail in the middle.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDD51-WR Wireless, Kubota L48, Honda Rincon 650, TJ208 G-S, and a 60"LogRite!


and as Grampa told it... The very early "paints" were Whitewash made with base including milk or red oxides mixed up with other natural stuff to color up and protect the wood for those that took the time.  Sort of neat function use of what was available.


We tried to remove some of that 150+ year old paint one time and nothing that we tried would even soften it.  We decided that we liked it the way that is was/is.

The paint on the door seen on the right is some bad stuff.
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I have a question for the group. I have a two story traditional house in the Finger Lakes area of NY. We have been wanting to re-side the house for a few years. We currently have vinyl double 4" on there now that was put on in the early 90's. My wife and I love the look of the traditional farm houses in our area. We are currently trying to decide whether we will use LP Smartside board and batten engineered siding or traditional rough cut eastern hemlock board and batten. I built a fort for my son two years ago and used a local mill for the rough cut hemlock. I did not treat the wood at all and hung it green. Its been two years and its starting to weather and gray nicely. I've gotten minimal shrinkage and have not seen any cracks at all. I guess my main debate is whether the hemlock will hold up without a ton of maintenance for the next ten years. We plan on selling and moving out of state in 10 years, so that is another factor I have to account for, will buyers want the upkeep of hemlock. Does any builders know a ROE of using hemlock compared to engineered siding?  Any thoughts are appreciated!


Flat sawn, rift sawn, slow growth, time of the year, width of board, etc. It all makes a difference. Shrinkage is one thing but on the south side it can cup and split so bad no one will come back for more and they will tell everyone not to buy that rough cut lumber.


Two projects using hemlock.



Top picture is a horse run in, bottom one a Women Cave. Both made out of hemlock. But have to remember, these was put up green, cut the tree, saw the lumber and build with it. Most times the same day. And have to remember, both are like a wood shed, plenty of air movement. No interior walls. Women Cave might have one someday,but has been build for 5 years now.
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Bruno of NH

I'm not a fan of it on a house unless the installer knows what flashing is and how to use it.
Also like big overhangs.
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