iDRY Vacuum Kilns



Started by bigD, January 14, 2015, 08:47:02 AM

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I had a guy stop by and said he had 80-100 Cedar post that he cut.  He wants a few for fence post but do something on shares?  He said that I can get atleast an 8x8 out of them and they are 8 feet long or longer. 
There is a guy around here buying them for .35 a BF and another guy selling 6x6x8 for $32 a piece.
I was thinking I keep three out of every four logs and saw his into post for him.  What do you guys think? 


I should also add that I'm trying to get established and my name out there so I don't want to run the guy off.


I'm just a little confused, not that hard of a thing to do with me, but just how much does he want? and if these make 8x8's  I will say he would be giving them away at .35/bdft.  Lots of factors going on here,  too many for me to give any suggestions, mainly cause I'm wanting these for me! ;D  If it were me, I would suggest splitting the logs, get what he needs, keep the others for you, sawing as you need when orders come in, they will last for some time,
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,


Dave sorry to confuse.
I'm going to look at them.  Thanks for the advice.  I kinda get the feeling he was wanting me to cut them all and them he take a % of the profit.  I was thinking 80/20 or 75/25?
I'd really rather do what you said, cut what he wants take the rest and store them to saw as needed.

Joe Hillmann

I would say look at the logs before you plan too much what you plan to do with them.  In some cases if the customers thinks you can make 8x8's out of them you are more likely to get a 4x4 out of them.

Chuck White

I think I'd split the logs into an agreeable percentage, then cut whatever he wants, then either cant out the other logs and store them, or leave them as they are.

Later you could saw your logs into whatever you want!
~Chuck~  Cooks Cat Claw sharpener and single tooth setter.  2018 Chevy Silverado and 2021 Subaru Ascent.  2020 Mahindra ROXOR.
With basic mechanical skills and the ability to read you can maintain a Woodmizer  LT40!


Unless you "need" red cedar for posts or for lumber, I'd suggest not doing this on shares.

You are faced with the problem of how do you pick your "share" from the entire lot. Be it logs that you set aside and keep for later, or be it product (posts after sawing for which you would end up with posts as your 'share' ).

Either way, sharing does run into some awkward problems with you and who you are sharing with.

Such a deal is up to you, but my thoughts would be to run your mill more as a service for others and get paid cash/money for the service. Just an opinion. The only ones you will "run off" are more who want to pay you on "shares". 
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Different strokes for different folks.  :)
The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


Buy em all at .35/bf! Mill em as needed and sell em at $1.50/bf or so. You'd be a head of the game and have control of the end situation. The price for a 6x6 seems about right.....
Thomas 8020, Stihl 039, Stihl 036, Homelite Super EZ, Case 385, Team of Drafts


I just had someone wanting to run shares with me on 8000bf of spruce, as a way of bringing down the bill. NO thanks. I need cash money. I can always come up with free, or cheap logs to mill up. Heck I had 3 or 4 massive pines offered to me today, but with apple, spruce, cedar and maple logs which are mine spread all over the county I'm not taking any more "free" wood until I reign in what I already have.....

Now if it were shares on Locust, black walnut, etc. then I might do that.....
Thomas 8020, Stihl 039, Stihl 036, Homelite Super EZ, Case 385, Team of Drafts


To get a good 8x8 with no bark on corner it would take a minimum 12 inch log at the small end and that is if it is straight and probably closer to a 13 inch diameter.
Rotochopper b66 track, #2 Rotochopper b66 track, woodmizer lt40, CAT 277b, CAT 268b, CAT 287c, CAT 277c, CAT299d2, CAT299d3, CAT 299d3, Volvo 70e,volvo70f, volvo90f, Tigercat 724g feller buncher



Got two loads today and will go back for the last 1/2 load tomorrow.



south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Well, I'm new and this guys son is a big wig with the local USDA office and knows a lot of potential customers.  I figured it is free marketing. 
I am going to end up with 60 to 70 big logs and all I did was drive 6 miles round trip three times and unload them.

mesquite buckeye

Have fun with it. It's going to be smelly. :)
Manage 80 acre tree farm in central Missouri and Mesquite timber and about a gozillion saguaros in Arizona.


that's what I would've done! 8)  those are pretty good ones, looking just a bit aged, but again they last for quite a while.  Looks like you are in for now.
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,

Chuck White

Looks like you've done OK!  8)
~Chuck~  Cooks Cat Claw sharpener and single tooth setter.  2018 Chevy Silverado and 2021 Subaru Ascent.  2020 Mahindra ROXOR.
With basic mechanical skills and the ability to read you can maintain a Woodmizer  LT40!


Like picking up a trailer load of money. ;) 8) 8)
What is this leisure time of which you speak?
Blue Harbor Refinishing


Thomas 8020, Stihl 039, Stihl 036, Homelite Super EZ, Case 385, Team of Drafts


Looks like some very nice cedar.  They have been cut for a couple years it looks like.  The sap wood might not make it through spring without deteriorating.If you do not have immediate markets, I would at least saw them  into 3 sided cants and sticker them according to thickness.  Cover the top of the stacks and leave an unsawn side to the outside of the stack.  Then as you need lumber or posts , you can resaw  them very quickly.
When sawing 3 sides, you can take 3/4" lumber after the slab is taken off.  This lumber makes good paneling or privacy fence boards.  You can use the edging strips for stickers and sticker every layer.  Cover top and enjoy.
35 cents is about right for Mo unless prices have went up like around here.
Nothing for less than 45 cents and 10" and up is 50 cents or more.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.


thank you guys. Yes they were cut for a few years.  gonna get them covered since a lot of the bark came off in the moving process.  I figure even if I can use/get half of them I'm not losing anything and hopefully can use some and make a little money.

A little side story; when I walked up to them the first time I immediately got a strong smell of Pole Cat, Perfume kitty, Skunk what ever you want to call em.  Needless to say I was a little nervous as he rocked the pile with the tractor.  Never did see it but had my 44 ready.


Some that cut red cedar say you should wear a mask, to protect your lungs?
1997 LTHD40G24 WM Mill. 640 Bobcat. 555 ford Backhoe, Husky 365XP
40 Acres Foresty
Custom Sawing in Geauga and Lake County
Build my own solar kiln
Build Furniture, Out Buildings
Bee Keeper, Love My Lord



Never hurts to wear a dust mask, but the real problem is with western red cedar, not eastern red cedar.  Completely different species.
I am in the pink when sawing cedar.

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