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Rust Reaper in stores?

Started by Paschale, August 24, 2004, 12:26:57 PM

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Does anyone know if Rust Reaper is available in stores at all?  Crazy me, I forgot to pick up my free sample at the Piggy Roast.   ::)  It sounds like it'd be a good thing to have with me when I go retrieve my WM this weekend and I'm just wondering if you can buy that stuff anywhere other than online.

Y'all can pronounce it "puh-SKOLLY"


Paschale called me this afternoon and we made arrangements for him to get some Rust Reaper.  I need to be in Grand Rapids tomorrow and we'll meet at Menards.

I think that RR will work great on the WM that is moving from the UP.

Regarding the store issue, we have a couple of stores in this area that handle Rust Reaper, but none in Grand Rapids yet.  We're looking for Dealers if anyone is interested or has any suggestions.




Well Mike, you beat me to the update!  :-)  Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.  At least the parking lot of Menards carries RR!  I think the key is for people to ask for it, maybe starting at local hardware stores.  I went to several places--asked for it at TSC, for example, so at least the name is getting out there.

I'm definitely one who believes that businesses listen to letters from customers, especially when they're asking for a specific product and can give some specific examples on how it helped them.  I'll be sure to do that once I get working on this Woodmizer, and I'll start with Menards.   ;D

I'll see you tomorrow!


PS  I'll be wearing my FF hat.   8)
Y'all can pronounce it "puh-SKOLLY"


Hi Mike P.
We use wd40, koil, and a couple of other products by the gallons. I keep telling them that all they need is Rust Reaper but these big time places know it all. Maybe if you are ever in my area you could stop in there and give it a try.


I haven't had a chance to use the RustReaper sample that I was given at the piggy roast, but the farmers around here swear by "PB Blaster."


Well, I met Mike today at Menards and now have some Rust Reaper.  Nice guy, and it worked out great to get some from him since he was coming to Grand Rapids today anyway.

Looking forward to trying it out this weekend.

Thanks Mike!
Y'all can pronounce it "puh-SKOLLY"


QuoteI haven't had a chance to use the RustReaper sample that I was given at the piggy roast, but the farmers around here swear by "PB Blaster."

Thats simply because they dont know any better. :)
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


They tryed that PB Blaster at the shop, and it aint worth the can they put it in.


We have used it in the past and I gotta ditto that. Now, every body chant rust reaper, rust reaper, rus.... ;D
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


OK how do we buy some here in W MI?  Boy I gotta stuck mess and want to try some.

Bought a new to me snowmobile and the ski arms are set up hard as heck.   I tried putting some grease through the zerk fittings and it was tough at its best.  I have em movable, but not by much.  Hoping to be able to take out the fitting and squeeze some in there and then on both ends and hope it can work its way in.   

Theres a new idear.  RR in a gun to go in zerk fittings.  Though if you use your grease enough, rust shouldnt be in there in the first place!  I hate people who dont take care of stuff!   >:( smiley_argue01 smiley_furious
To be one, Ask one
Masons and Shriners


You can buy it from anywhere. You dont have to order on-line, order by phone if you like. You will have it in just a day or two.  Go to Mike's website for the contact info.

Rust Reaper is a thin liquid. Dont think there is any application for grease fittings. The applicatiors do have precision needle like ends to get it to where it needs to be. Mike would be a better answer to this them me though, I am sorta talking out of turn. 

I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


Yep, ordered my RR on Wed. got it today.

Mike wanted to know why I ordered 3 kits?
1 for FF member Homer, my dad
1 for the LogRite shop
1 for Tammy ;D

rule#1 nobody ever puts just one nail in a tree  LogRite Tools


QuoteBought a new to me snowmobile and the ski arms are set up hard as heck.

Heat those arms up with a torch and work them back and forth at the same time. This will break down the crud in there and then when still hot try to pump grease in there. We have to do this on our corn planter gauge wheels as they will seize up tight. Heat them up and work them back and forth a little then pump in grease. Works every time.

We use PB Blaster on the farm. It works pretty good for over head applications as it won't run off like WD-40 will. Never tried RR.

Norwood LM2000, 20HP Honda, 3 bed extentions. Norwood Edgemate edger. Gehl 4835SXT


I used my Rust Reaper last weekend.....and once again it amazed me. I wanted to prune back our grape vines and found the pruners right where I left them last fall. Laying out in the yard.  ::)  They were rusted shut, but one squirt of Rust Reaper got them working again just fine. It is a GREAT product.  8)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


I use my Rust Reaper almost daily. Great stuff! 8) 8)  Besides the fact that it works good, I like the applicator. You can put it where you need it instead of spraying everything in sight.  It's economical, too.  I've been using mine for over a year, and it's only 1/4 gone.  A starter kit should last most guys a lifetime.  I woulda been through a hunnerd bucks worth of PB Blaster, by now! :D
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


I used RR last weekend as well, only this time it didn't help me. :-\
Only because I simply could not get it to where I needed it.
Just bought another "project" at the auction today and I think I may have to order some RR as my sample from the piggy roast is over half gone, and I think I may need a lot for this project.


i saved my manifold flange bolts for the delevery of the reaper. soaks right in nicley, tapped them a few times with a hammer, came back in an hour and they backed right out with the impact. i would have had to otherwise bust them off or torch em, then find new ones!
thanks mike, great ingenious product!
northern adirondak yankee farmer


Thanks for the kind words about Rust Reaper.  It is always good to hear success stories and about different applications.  Redpowerd, those manifold bolts can be particularly tough.  Patty, we have so much snow on the ground we couldn't find whatever we left outside.  We are really looking forward to be able to work in the yard. 

Johncinquo, regarding the application of RR through a zerk, usually I remove the zerk that isn't taking grease and apply directly into the "petrified" grease and dirt.  I'll do that several times until the solvents in RR soften the grease.  I use a little more to wash out the cavity.  Do the same thing with the zerk until it is clean and the ball moves readily.  I then put the zerk back in place and regrease with fresh grease, applying enough to purge the now-softened remaining old grease and RR. 

Furby, what is the "project" that you bought at auction?  Any pictures?  If getting the Rust Reaper into the right place is a problem, you might try the RR Squeezer with a flexible application tube.

DanG, I have found the same thing.  I use Rust Reaper on more and more applications, but it still lasts a long time.  Perhaps I shoud encourage folks to follow Kevin's example and give it as gifts.  I probably should be working on a Mother's Day theme now.




It was not a gift, I knew if Homer got his hands on it I would never see it again.

rule#1 nobody ever puts just one nail in a tree  LogRite Tools



I understand what you mean.  A fellow told me the other day that he borrowed some Rust Reaper from his mother-in-law since he had used all of his.  He said that she watched him while he used it and insisted on taking the bottle back when he was done :D



The project is an old cushman work cart that has been stored outside for who knows how long. Looked it over better, and I guess it's not nearly as bad as I thought. Most of the moving parts do work loose, others look like they will need a drop of RR. ;) The rest of the rusty stuff is just body and frame work, don't need it moving and can just wire brush most of it.

The RR Squeezer with a flexible application tube would have done the trick to apply the stuff. Not sure how much RR it would have taken to work it's way up into where I needed it though. The biggest problem was I was trying to squirt a half empty, cold, free sample bottle up in there, it wasn't working. Tried some heat and then tried WD-40 as well. Ended up breaking off the other end of the tube doing all this and had to drop the starter after all to fix things. ::)
Edit: I guess I should add that RR took the hold down nut off the stud on this same part. I had been figuring the stud would snap due to the fact that rust made up most of the size of it, but the nut spun right off.  8)


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