iDRY Vacuum Kilns


feeling sort of good...

Started by zopi, May 07, 2015, 07:19:31 PM

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So, a big part of the last few years has been spent coping with the side effects of a fast forward Navy career and a too complex society...being overwhelmed...blah blah blah..
My place here has been buried in junk and old firewood amd lumber scrap, etc for a long time.
For the last few weeks I have been pecking at it...pile stuff up to burn, haul junk off...drop a tree and bust it up and burn the waste....dig out some more..burn that. Trying to get cured of excess pack-rattedness.

Sitting here looking at all the space I have freed up and all the tons of crap I was never going to do anything with anyhow that are gone....feels good.

Mill has been sitting for a long time...I lost some heart for it after she got hit. Been fighting the urge to pull her out and start cleaning amd aligning....I know once I do, I am pretty much sunk for getting anything else done. So....I lifted the head yesterday and applied penetrating oil to everything that moves in there....soon I will go out with a can of ATF and hit everything. 
So it begins. I need a box of blades and a new drive belt.
Got Wood?
LT-15G GO chassis added.
WM sharpener and setter
And lots of junk.


A big clean-up always brings newfound optimism for me.  Sounds like you are on a roll, just keep up your momentum!
Firewood is energy independence on a personal scale.

Den Socling

My shop is 5000 square feet. I have a son, daughter and wife who are pack rats. Me too! Especially for wood. You can hardly find room to turn around. I'll give it away for free but can't find the way to trash it!


Great start!  You did a bunch of work. Now some time to play.  Enjoy making some dust fly!

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