iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Alrighty, I'm in,

Started by drobertson, May 29, 2015, 08:00:38 PM

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 ;D  well my son Nathan has been home for a few weeks, working the pool and theater.  He did finish his Associates degree, but his love for golf has not died, and for one, real glad of it.  Just before my back surgery we won the Tuesday night men's league two years ago.  Bragging a bit, but, well, confidence is everything in golf.  So We played a quick nine yesterday, and well, I hit straight, but distance was a struggle to  a point.   Shot a 6 over in 9.  He pulled out a -1,  All I could manage for the first time in over 18 months.  The greens rolled better than before, so that that part took a toll on the score.  This said,  I was asked today to play the Rotary tourney next week end, a fund raiser for this organization, so I said "You Bet!"   A three man scramble with two High School State golfers?  Really?  Just hope they hit the fairway ;D
I can, but not that far ;D  I am the back up putter man, pretty sure :D  should be a great time back with Nathan, and Punkie, the are quality for sure.. just bragging on them but again, what the heck, life is short and the road is long,,,
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,


Very cool, Dave. It sounds like a great time with your son, you can't lose on that deal.


Hope you all have a great time!  I've played golf one time in my life and always wanted to try it again, distance wasn't a problem, but the accuracy well um ur... might not have been there quite as much  :)

Bruno of NH

Have fun with your son as often as you can .
My brother lost his son to a dirt bike accident at the age of 23 .
Spend time with him and have fun .
My daughter is 23 lives in NYC and i hardly ever hear from her ,my fault for not spending time with her to busy working .
Live and learn i guess.
Lt 40 wide with 38hp gas and command controls , F350 4x4 dump and lot of contracting tools


Well, It's over, all but the crying ;D  we finished 10 under and wound up at the bottom of the championship flight, great day out with my son for sure, met up with some folks I have not seen in awhile, and realize I need to get back to work and practice a game I really like to play, between the heat and the lack of swinging a club I was plane flat whooped!   
only have a few chain saws I'm not suppose to use, but will at times, one dog Dolly, pretty good dog, just not sure what for yet,  working on getting the gardening back in order, and kinda thinking on maybe a small bbq bizz,  thinking about it,

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