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Tire wear

Started by KneeHigH, August 27, 2015, 09:45:11 AM

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I am trying to find info on the different makes of skidder tires, I.E  what types are made in the USA?  What are made where?  What types have the best wear life?  I can buy Samson 23.1-26 for 1550 but Firestone are 2650??


when you find out, let us know


i run firestone nokia and trelloborg all excellent tires


It is my opinion with tires that "you get what you pay for". 
Lots of toys for working in the bush


Make sure when you are doing your price comparisons that you are pricing tires with the same ply rating.  primex tires seem to be the best value. 


Primax Samson good year all decent but Firestone is top in my opinion.


Quote from: Ken on August 27, 2015, 06:49:58 PM
It is my opinion with tires that "you get what you pay for".
I put 2 Primex on the front, and 2 Firestone on the back about 6 months later, the Primex tires are already chunking out and doesn't take much to get bark in the bead. My dealer just didn't have 2 Firestone and I was desperate. I would bite the bullet, you can wear a Firestone almost bald with cords showing.



I spend the money and buy the Forestry Special Firestone. On a 16.9x30 the specials weighed almost 200 lbs more than the others, yes expensive but IMO will out last all. My second would be the BKT as a friend has them 18.4x34's and has been happy after a year.Those were priced very reasonable. Those are on a 230 cable machine.
I had a set of Goodyear loggers that were indestructible awhile back and sold them for 300$ each at 30%, that would be a good one but they are no longer made. Theres my two cents , the high and the low.
In two days from now, tomorrow will be yesterday.

central pa

I agree with barge monkey on the primex tires they'd have all kinds of grip on black top cause of how gummy the rubber is


Everybodys opinion is valid as it relates to their experience.   the first primex tires were not that great. The primex log monster lx2 is just a good of tire as the firestone if not better.  That is why i suggested to make sure comparisons in price took into account ply rating.  i have seen people get a 12 ply 28l firestone and complain about how firestones are not as good they use to be, however if they had ponied up for the 20 ply they would have proclaimed that firestones are the best hands down.  Here is a trick to make any skidder tire last longer,  buy them before you need them and set them in the sun for a few months and that new tire gummy will be gone.

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