iDRY Vacuum Kilns


New to drying wood, Many questions

Started by Leggman, November 19, 2016, 04:11:05 PM

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Now that my sawmill is running I need some information on what to do next. I plan to build a solar kiln next spring but for now I need to get some boards stacked and stickered?
I have a neighbor who says wrap it good in tarpaper but I just don't know.
How big do I cut the stickers?
How far apart do I place them?
Should the stickers be of similar type of wood as I am stacking?
Thanks.  Dave

Den Socling

Yes, you need to get your lumber on sticks. There have been many threads and post about the subject at this board. I didn't try a search but I suggest words like sticker, stack, air drying and anything else you can think of. You may be reading for a long time.
As far as the tar paper, that's a bad idea. You need some air flow with a piece of roofing or something similar on top.


The book DRYING HARDWOOD LUMBER likely has all the info you require.  Download it.
Gene - Author of articles in Sawmill & Woodlot and books: Drying Hardwood Lumber; VA Tech Solar Kiln; Sawing Edging & Trimming Hardwood Lumber. And more

David Freed

Quote from: GeneWengert-WoodDoc on November 20, 2016, 05:23:24 AM
The book DRYING HARDWOOD LUMBER likely has all the info you require.  Download it.
I have that book. I learned a lot from it when I was getting started.

Quote from: Leggman on November 19, 2016, 04:11:05 PM
I have a neighbor who says wrap it good in tarpaper but I just don't know.
I've read other situations where people recommend wrapping it up. I would like to hear their reasoning on how it would dry if you trap the water.


Trap the water sounds bad to me.   ::)  And I don't even know what I am doing.
I have read post on here of the ones that know.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


I am also new to drying.

i think the stickers should be the same in thickness an width, 1x1 or .75 x.75
or should they be 1x1.5 ?
"let the machines do the work"


"let the machines do the work"

Den Socling

Leggman, you need three things for conventional drying. Enough heat to make liquid water molecules bounce out of liquid to vapor state. Air dry enough to pick up more water molecules than it leaves behind. And enough air movement to carry the vaporized water away.
Some people wrap with porous material like burlap but wrapping with something like tar paper would leave you with nothing but a big moldy mess.


Here is the correct book.

The most common sticker is dried hardwood,  like oak, 3/4" x 1-1/4 or 1-1/2" wide. An 3/4" x 3/4" is ok but is fairly weak. If the two dimensions are too close, some sticks will be on edge.   Again, pine is used but is weak and often warps.
Gene - Author of articles in Sawmill & Woodlot and books: Drying Hardwood Lumber; VA Tech Solar Kiln; Sawing Edging & Trimming Hardwood Lumber. And more


I thought the tarpaper idea sounded wrong. What about a solar kiln? Do they work?


Quote from: Leggman on November 22, 2016, 02:56:31 PM
What about a solar kiln? Do they work?

Yes they work. With a solar kiln you set up the things you need to dry wood.
Heat - from the solar collector
Air flow - From the fans
Ventilation - Vents that you open to let the moisture out.

They aren't as fast as a conventional kiln, because they only dry for ~8 hours day, and are even slower in the winter. But they are pretty forgiving to operate because the wood can "rest" and equalize between the drying periods. This makes surface checking etc less likely, which can be a problem if wood is dried too fast. They are also cheap to build and operate.

So for a small scale hobby operation, they make perfect sense.
Weekend warrior, Peterson JP test pilot, Dolmar 7900 and Stihl MS310 saws and  the usual collection of power tools :)


I've only dried several thousand board feet... but my 2 cents..
My miller once had me put tarps around my piles with fans running so my top quality stuff wouldn't dry too fast but needed fans to keep air moving.

I've stickered it inside grain bins and left it outside with tin on top with quality results.

I tried drying some indoors and got mold growing till I got some de-humidifiors running.. Bad idea... Don't dry inside.
stihl 046, Cat 416b , JD 5520 N


Sticker thickness depends on how wide the lumber piles are, the wider they are the thicker the stickers will need to be in order to get the air to flow through and take the moisture out of the lumber.   Myself I like 1/2 inch thick stickers, mainly because it lowers the height of the lumber pile, my dad likes 3/8 inch thick, but this is from logs that have been felled for a while and laying around for up to or over year, if your sawing logs where the tree's were live last week or even this week, you'd want thicker stickers.   Lumber species also comes into play here somewhat on sticker thickness.    I only have hardwoods, nothing soft, mainly cherry, oaks, walnut, maple, ash and elm.   

Lumber thickness also comes into play on sticker thickness, planks we start with thicker stickers, maybe 3/4 inch thick and after we restack the lumber in a year or so, we go thinner to shorten the height of the piles.    My piles are also no more than four feet wide and we stack them sideways to the prevailing winds so air can flow through better.     

I'd never wrap the pile in anything, only put a tin cover on the top and sit them outside if you don't have a lean on a shed you can set them under.       

There are a lot of variables to take into consideration, the reason many recommend thicker stickers is the thicker you go the more forgiving air flow is and all the variables that are involved.     

If you have no stickers between the lumber, your in big trouble, we sticker everything as it comes off the mill or within a few days of being sawn at the most.     

As for what species to use for stickers, if the stickers are dry, it won't matter, if wet sawn as you go, some claim it has to be the same as the lumber, others not, also depends on how long before the lumber is used, restacked or moved and sorted.  I've never paid any attention to what type of wood the stickers are made of, but we also use dry stickers or make them from old boards, if sawn green, I've never cared what they were made of, we just use them and as for sticker stain, its never been an issue for me, never seen it in my life only ever heard or read about on here.     

Myself I'd stack the piles outside for about 3-6 months before moving the stacks inside.    I like my lumber under a roof and out of the elements and I prefer the piles set on a concrete floor elevated up about a foot or more off the concrete, but I also know that's not possible for most.     

Any kiln will work, never used one myself, I have enough lumber around I have plenty of time to let mother nature remove the moisture for me, I don't need to hurry the process up any, that and I don't sell or use it fast enough to worry about, it'll all end up stacked, stickered and in sheds somewhere for years before using any of it.

If your new to sawing or handling lumber, the main thing to remember is get something between the boards as soon as you saw, then you have time to figure out the more ideal way to go about it, without stickers all your work is for nothing, it'll mold and your lumber will be junk.


Excellent post Randy. I use 5/8 and 1/2 in stickers made out of Oak. I do that because I need to get as much in my kiln as possible, I'm using a refer unit. I've found the best spot on my lot to air dry. This particular spot has the most air flow and uses the prevailing winds. I saw mostly Poplar and it has to dry very fast as to not get black mold.
96 Woodmizer LT40Super  Woodmizer 5 head moulder


Thicker sticks encourage faster drying, especially air drying.  In a kiln with thicker sticks, you might dry more quickly, but with less lumber in the kiln, this offsets the gain.  With thinner sticks, irrational air flow means irratic drying rates and longer drying.

For hardwoods, 99% of the people use 3/4" thickness to provide good uniform air flow and good strength for the sticks so they do not break easily.  The same for softwoods, except really fast softwood dryers need even thicker sticks.

Although any species is ok, dryness is critical to avoid stain.  Denser species are stronger and last longer.
Gene - Author of articles in Sawmill & Woodlot and books: Drying Hardwood Lumber; VA Tech Solar Kiln; Sawing Edging & Trimming Hardwood Lumber. And more


If you leave the hardwood lumber sitting outside under cover here for years, you are certainly going to get powderpost beetle infestations unless you treat the lumber with borate. 
Woodmizer LT40HDD35, John Deere 2155, Kubota M5-111, Kubota L2501, Nyle L53 Dehumidification Kiln, and a passion for all things with leafs, twigs, and bark.


QuoteIf you leave the hardwood lumber sitting outside under cover here for years, you are certainly going to get powderpost beetle infestations unless you treat the lumber with borate.

Is the beetle thing true if you have built stuff or just for stacked lumber.  It treatment a requirement for all hardwood?


Quote from: WDH on December 27, 2016, 08:31:47 PM
If you leave the hardwood lumber sitting outside under cover here for years, you are certainly going to get powderpost beetle infestations unless you treat the lumber with borate.
Danny, do you think that the PPB attacks kiln dried as fast as wood air drying?
Timberking 2000, Turbo slabber Mill, 584 Case, Bobcat 773, solar kiln, Nyle L-53 DH kiln


If you don't sterilize the hardwood in a kiln and then you build furniture with the wood, there is always a chance that there might be powderpost beetles in the lumber.  You will not know until the eggs hatch and the adults emerge.  That can be several years later.  From my experience, the hardwoods that are the most susceptible are the ring porous hardwoods like all the oaks, red and white, hickory, ash, pecan, elm, sap walnut, and persimmon.  The diffuse porous hardwoods like sap cherry, maple, and yellow poplar do not seem to be preferred by the beetles, but I have had powderpost beetles infest some of my yellow poplar.  The seem to like the woods with the large earlywood pores for the larvae to migrate into the wood. 

Ricky, all the issues that I have had with PPB's have been in air dried hardwood that sat outside under the cover of a shed for several years.  I have not had any issues with kiln dried lumber, however, almost all my kiln dried lumber has been sprayed with borate before air drying and kiln drying.  It is now standard procedure for me to spray all the ring porous hardwood lumber green off the saw.  I cannot tolerate even having the chance of PPB's in my hardwood lumber.  I do not always spray the diffuse porous hardwoods if I plan to but the wood in the kiln after it gets below 20% moisture content.
Woodmizer LT40HDD35, John Deere 2155, Kubota M5-111, Kubota L2501, Nyle L53 Dehumidification Kiln, and a passion for all things with leafs, twigs, and bark.


Can you tell us more about spraying the lumber, I'm curious as to how you go about it, what it costs and overall, how it works and for how long it works.     


The spray costs about $1.50 per gallon of spray.  I use a 25 gallon ATV tank with a DC pump that delivers 60 psi.  I have a long hose with a wand at the end to spray the boards.  Not fun to do, but a necessity in these hot and humid parts. 
Woodmizer LT40HDD35, John Deere 2155, Kubota M5-111, Kubota L2501, Nyle L53 Dehumidification Kiln, and a passion for all things with leafs, twigs, and bark.

Don P

I usually use a shallow dip tray, just another way.
I think my biggest culprits are anobiid's, they do hit poplar, maple, sweet birch as well as oaks and even pine when they are really heavy. These will leave small holes and a volcano of frass on the surface shortly after sawing.

This is some the next morning after sawing, on black locust

This is one of the little frass volcanos, same morning on some poplar, they went down a whole lot quicker than the poor bugs on the locust

Den Socling


How long does it stay on the wood and will it survive after going through the plainer, sanding and finish on the boards?

Don P

Den, I'm outside of Galax, VA... I think you have some controls over at Turman Lumber?

Borate travels on the water, migrating on the wet from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration. Applying it to wood right off the saw helps it get in deeper. It is a mineral so is inert. It stays in the wood unless something leaches it back out. That requires the wood be up around fiber saturation or above and in contact with a "sink", the ground or running water would pull it back out.

When you have a finish on the wood it is safe again so although I'm sure some is deep enough to make it through machining operations that isn't what I'm after with that dip. The post saw treatment gets the wood through drying. If I want to treat something like house timbers I'll dip or spray or roller paint them after machining with borate with a little glycol of some sort, which simply slows drying. That will leave a higher concentration near the surface. If you see crystals form on the surface lightly sand them off before finishing.

I have had crystals show under a finish and have clotted titebond once, I'd appreciate feedback from others there. It is in your shavings pile. Boron is a micronutrient and our soil test usually comes back needing more. It will kill vegetation if you overapply it somewhere, you are polluting at that point. Like any nutrient, necessary to a point and a pollutant beyond that point, scatter it widely.

I had a spill while transferring the 10% solution from the dip tank to my storage buckets and lost 4 or 5 gallons. I was concerned and figured I'd dig up that spot in the morning and spread it over a wide area. By the next morning the deer had done that for me, treating it like a salt lick.

One sign of overdose is a certain lack of interest in males. My wife wanted me to place licks around the garden  :D.

It occurs in high concentration in water in some places, like Afghanistan.

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