iDRY Vacuum Kilns


building a kiln... tools to buy?

Started by ray299, December 18, 2016, 07:08:55 PM

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I was thinking about building a virginia tech style solar kiln.  (I built a portable band saw mill and mill that mostly airdrys as I use it for constructing shed/barns/fun projects etc but I want to get into selling slabs). Before I start I want to order my tools so I have them ready to install/use. I looked up a thermo hygrometer... I hate picking out tools I know nothing about and I'm not too picky.. I just want something that will work and have a little extra so I can do the next step without having to upgrade and buy another tool again... suggestions on this thermal hygrometer?
What about a two prong moisture reader? Since wood drys from the outside-in... whats the point of having one of these? Anyway to tell moisture content of wood when it's "done" drying? Sorry if my questions seem newbian... I am new. And I don't have much time for research, which is why I love this forum so much... post a question and you guys have the knowledge at your fingertips to specifically what I'm asking. TIA!


You asked a lot of questions, some much more complex than others.  Building a VT solar kiln is a great way to start, and is a surefire way to get your feet wet.

Reading the moisture in the wood is important, but can reliably be done with a set of food scales.   

Take steps to save steps.

If it won't roll, its not a log; it's still a tree.  Sawmills cut logs, not trees.

Kiln drying wood: When the cookies are burned, they're burned, and you can't fix them.

Sawing is fun for the first couple million boards.

Be smarter than the sawdust


A meter made in USA costing no less than &200 is Bert. A small bandsaw is helpful for stress checks and other checks. For hygrometer, a digital at $50 is adequate.

You may want a storage place for dry lumber isolated from all other lumber.
Gene - Author of articles in Sawmill & Woodlot and books: Drying Hardwood Lumber; VA Tech Solar Kiln; Sawing Edging & Trimming Hardwood Lumber. And more

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