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Best Electric Chain Saw

Started by Old_Town, December 07, 2004, 03:57:38 PM

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Who makes the best? I've heard Makita what do y'all think?


Don't know about the best but what ever one you buy, BE CAREFUL!!! Protective gear for a (chaps) gas saw won't stop an electric saw.
I know of one guy who almost took his head off when the saw kicked back. Yes, he did go to the hospital. His saw was a Shil. Said he never had that kind of reaction from a saw before.
I'll stick to gas powered.


Electric saws certainly do have their place but are not for eveyone. They are popular with older folk who want to work but can no longer handle a gas axe. These are often the ones who should not have them as special ed points out.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


From the specs and feel, the Husky looks like a good choice. Just make sure whatever saw you buy it has an automatic oiler and kickback brake. Try to get one that has a cord on the handle, the ones where the cord plugs into the handle always end up having the cord fall off.

I  have a Sears (self sharpening) and McCollough, do not get the self-sharpening, they tend to leave wicked hooks on the chain that act as fish hooks. At least on the used one I bought.

Chris J

I can't offer an opinion on which one to buy, but I'd like to say that the elec saws do have their place & do serve a purpose other than not having to pull a recoil.  Some folks that I know use them in indoor shops to cut wood that doesn't work with a circular saw.  From what I gather the trick is to get one beefy enough to handle the toughest task, keep the chain sharp, & keep the saw cleaned out.

Oh yeah--follow good safety practices.  Electric or gas, they'll all cut you.

Y'all be careful.
Certified Amateur Chainsaw Tinkerer.  If sucess is built on failure, then one day I'll live on the top of Mt. Everest.


I never thought much about an electric chain saw.  Still confused how they could make a 'self sharpening one'.

I know I wouldn't  mind to have one for a couple of days around this weekend.  Or at least I think I wouldn't. I also wouldn't mind 'borrowing' Jim Rogers and his tools for a few days! :)  Gonna be making notching and mortising some post and rails out of some 6/6 pressure treated timbers for my wrap a round porch and wouldn't mind having one a them electric saws to help to cut em down to size. Worked on em this evening and only got three posts made and notched.  Now I'm wondering why in the world I made the ends of the dang thing round cause it's just gonna make everything so much harder to cut and fit up.  A regular skill saw won't quite cut through them 6/6;s, even after rolling them around and cutting all 4 sides, and they're just a bit to heavy to get up on the miter saw and cut and flip and cut. ???
Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


Buy the one with the fastest chain speed and that draws the most amps. I bought a Mac., its chain speed is too slow to cut well. It cost about $60 back then, to get a good saw I suppose you better look at about $300 range.

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