Peterson Portable Sawmills US Agency Update 2018

Started by HSV, January 16, 2018, 05:00:35 PM

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Peterson Portable Sawmills US Agency Update 2018

CEO, Kerris Browne would like to inform customers in the United States that Peterson Portable Sawmills have parted ways with Left Coast Supplies as Peterson's US agent as of 15th December 2017.

"Left Coast Supplies are currently going through a restructure of sorts and we hope to continue working with one of the directors in a new capacity. We will advise our customers if/when that takes place."

"In the meantime, the expert team at Peterson Portable Sawmills headquarters are excited to resume support of all of our United States customers direct from our New Zealand factory - just as we did when selling direct to the US for over 25 years! Sales, service and general support from Peterson HQ comes highly commended by our mill owners so you can rest assured you will be looked after."

Mrs Browne thanks Left Coast Supplies for working with Petersons to make this transition period as smooth as possible and wishes them the best of luck in their future endeavours.

Peterson currently have spare parts available in the USA, along with one complete Junior Peterson sawmill. All other sawmill orders will come direct from the factory until our next container shipment arrives.

To request information or a quote, order a sawmill or purchase spare parts, please call 1-877-327-1471 or +64 7 348 0863 or email: We look forward to hearing from you!