

Welcome to The 2024 Forestry Forum!

Do you have trees to grow? Logs to saw? A forest to manage? Chainsaws to fix? A sawmill to purchase or maintain? Timber related business to run? Lumber to dry? Trees or plants to identify? A cabin to build? Are you hungry and like FOOD?

Or would you just like to pull up a stump and visit with a friend?
If any of these and a multitude of other topics apply, then The Forestry Forum is the place for you.

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I usually saw by myself and enjoy it that way. Its my time to work at my pace and think things through. Today being the weekend and cutting more cedar for my Daughter and SIL I had him and my youngest Daughter which the wood is for her older Sister helping. It was a pleasure to have them help. I can...

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Good evening all,

I have a 2022 LT40 with the 38hp Kohler. This morning I started it to warm up before sawing. Within a few minutes of it idling, I heard the idle drop slightly, and began running a little rough. Upon engaging the blade the engine was slow to speed up, and lacked power. It appeared to be running on 1 cyl intermittently. Read More

In Southern Maryland:

I have a client who would like logs sawn, but I can't get my mill to his logs due to the ~15% driveway grade (the back of the mill hits way before the tires go up the incline). No option to pull in, but that would drag too.

Does anyone have a swing mill or other...

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Instead of letting slash just lay where it falls, I now see loggers create huge slash piles that serve several acres. Why do they do this? What is the thinking behind this new technique? Because slash inhibits replanting? To suppress fires? I am curious about this because it seems to quash the idea that...

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Anyone use Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company (PLM) for insurance?

I'm picking up my LT35 HD on the 29th, and plan on using PLM for insuring my mill. I will just be milling my own logs at first....maybe transporting the mill from MD to KY on occasion, and possibly down to AL a time or two. I might get into mobile milling as a business eventually. Read More

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