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Do you have trees to grow? Logs to saw? A forest to manage? Chainsaws to fix? A sawmill to purchase or maintain? Timber related business to run? Lumber to dry? Trees or plants to identify? A cabin to build? Are you hungry and like FOOD?

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If any of these and a multitude of other topics apply, then The Forestry Forum is the place for you.

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This is my first post here
Does anyone have any experience with the common mills sold at auctions, like the AGT or TMG brands.
I'm well aware that they aren't top of the line, just wondering if they're good enough for occasional use if gotten at a decent price.
Thanks for any info

First time owner/user. Brought home a 1989 LT40 yesterday. Everything worked when checking it out in the morning. Towed it home. Loader arms chained in up position. I pushed the forward and reverse feed lever and it engaged just for a second. After that no movement even for an inch or two. Feed motor...

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Good day folks.

I'm hoping some of you who have done this in various ways will chime in with what works best and what hasn't.

I have a range road 36 mill and have replaced my cable crank with a 12v winch which has made life much easier. However I'm finding there is still a lot of variability in the travel speeds and I spend a lot of time trying to make tiny movements to get the mill head where I want it.Read More

Hi folks. I am looking at purchasing the Woodland Mills HM126 Woodlander. Wondering if anyone has any experience with this, or other Woodland Mills, trailer mounted band saw mills. I am leery about whether it is stable enough on the 4 trailer jacks and whether there is any sway at all when sawing...

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I have been working on putting a power lift on my Timber King 1220, and ran into issue with gravity. I have tried a wheel chair motor, a rv electric jack motor and motor from a boat dock lift, all of which I had in my pile. They will all lift the head without problem, however they will not hold it in place, if I remove the factory hand crank and drive the lift directly. If I leave the hand crank in place, and use motor to turn the drive chain connected to crank, it (crank) binds up when trying to power down. Is anyone aware of a source for a 12-24v motor that would have a brake? or another way to stop the weight of head from causing it to drop freely.Read More

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