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Sawing At A Junkyard

Started by dail_h, December 14, 2005, 12:08:26 AM

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   Portable Millers-----DON'T EVER SAW AT A JUNKYARD!!!!!!!!!!! I started yestreday ,to saw some logs that a flim flam logger left. Can't git nuthin done. There is a crew from the local salvage yard there cleaning up,and you ought ta see some of the stuff they're gonna cut up for scrap.So far,I've rescued a good 2 ton GMC (to put the Big Stick ) loader that I got last year on,two trailers,several gearboxes,a hydraulic pump with two motors,and assorted plumbing(drive for a green chain),a Yates American shaper,and an old very heavy solid cast iron single surface planer with square head.Rigged wif pto drive,so I can run it wif one of my classic Allis Chalmers tractors.There's also part of I think a Frick sawmill there too. Have only seen the carriage,and the cable drum.A BIG metal lathe,must be 20 in swing,4 cable cranes in various ststes of disrepair. 
   The saw bill won't pay for all the good stuff that's there. Owner said late this afternoon that tomorrow,he would show me some really good stuff.Oh well. :( :( ;D
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again


Old Age and Treachery will outperform Youth and Inexperence. The thing is, getting older is starting to be painful.


If it can't be nailed or glued then screw it


There ain't nothing like a good junk yard.  As a matter of fact our local junk man is crushing stuff now. He is getting old and is slowing down.  If I can get this Honda (sawmill engine) running I suspect I'll go see whats left.  Please post photos, so we can dule.
Louisiana Country boy
homemade mill, 20 h.p. Honda & 4 h.p. for hydraulics.  8 hydraulic circuits, loads, clamps, rotates, etc.


Oh boy a junkyard , my second home where the owner of it points me toward a area and says everything over there is 15 cents per pound so you should be there awhile . :D  What a time youre having you lucky dog you  8)
UNCLEBUCK    bridge burner/bridge mender


 :D :D :D :D Nothing like a junkyard to warm a scrounger's heart. I got a Warn 12000 lb winch off a heli-logging grapple that was headed for the scrap pile. They had converted it to 24 volts so there was a brand new 12 volt motor for it, never used. Too heavy for my pickup so I gave it to my BIL for Christmas that year. You should have seen the grin on his face. I also got a 99 channel radio. Don't know what I am going to do with it
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


My wife won't let me go to a junk yard if I have the check book or credit card. :'(
remember man that thy are dust.


So did you actually saw any of those logs?
Peterson ATS 8" 27hp


My favorite one closed, bought out by a giant outfit that doesn't allow anybody to "roam around"  I almost had to go for counciling & therapy I missed that place so bad -  :(
I was the smartest 16 year old I ever knew.


Our favorite junk yard is called Grandpas Garage.

Last time we were there we gathered up our treasures and asked him what we owed for what was in the truck bed. He said "Nothing, just bring me some scrap sometime".

My kind of business transaction!!


 8) 8) 8) Nothing lile a JUNKYARD err TREASURETOVE   8) 8) 8)
Timberking B-20   Retired and enjoying every minute of it.
Former occupations Electrical Lineman, Airline Pilot, Owner operator of Machine Shop, Slot Machine Technician and Sawmill Operator.
I know its a long story!!!


If'n it werent for the junkyard I wouldn't have no mill seein how I made mine out of some old ridin mowers ;D


I would love to be on the show "JUNKYARD WARS ".I can pick my team from right chere.....Lets see..I pick  Harold  and Buzz Sawyer...oh and kirk allen and..maybe that new guy...yeh High pockets 8) 8)
LT 40 woodmizer..Massey ferg.240 walker gyp and a canthook


I can't go "TO THE MALL" with out a day to spare, I tend to get lost in possiblities. Yeah, love to pay by the pound for the goodies. I am not sure Kirk would do so well there, YOU STILL have to pay!! ;D Reid
There is no scarcity of opportunity to make a living at what you love to do, there is only scarcity of resolve to make it happen.- Wayne Dyer


Around here we don't call it the junkyard.....  We call it Seagull Mall...  Somedays I am easier to get a hold of there rather than at home.  My garage is full of all kinds of treasures from the mall.  I even got a Poulan chainsaw from there once and with a little tinkering with the carb settings and flushing out the fuel tank it was running and still is.  I use that saw on the snowmobile when we go out trail riding trails that have deadfalls across them.   :o :o
Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


Parkey's Junkyard isn't too far here and always has 8) 8) things in it.  Never can tell what Joe and Joey might haul in :) ;D
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


   Managed to get some sawing done yesterday,made myself stay at the mill :(till late afternoon. Just before I left,I did take a little walk----- found 4 ,count'em that's four Dodge powerwagons,two military,and two civi,one is an ambulance.
                 "So much stuff,so little money"
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again


Quote from: dail_h on December 15, 2005, 06:58:07 AM
   Managed to get some sawing done yesterday,made myself stay at the mill :(till late afternoon. Just before I left,I did take a little walk----- found 4 ,count'em that's four Dodge powerwagons,two military,and two civi,one is an ambulance.
                 "So much stuff,so little money"
Good thing I did not see those. I might not have been able to resist the temptation 8)
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Quote from: dail_h on December 15, 2005, 06:58:07 AM
   Managed to get some sawing done yesterday,made myself stay at the mill :(till late afternoon. Just before I left,I did take a little walk----- found 4 ,count'em that's four Dodge powerwagons,two military,and two civi,one is an ambulance.

Where do you live?  I wanna visit!  Most of the places in South Dakota have old farm machinery....not the goodies like you're talking about!



   Oh No ,old farm machinery,thats even worse. I'm a slam fool over old farm equipment, 'specialy if it's orange.
   There's some I beams n stuff that I got to check out too,looks like for a hoist /chainfall in the shop.
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again


Normally most of the paint is long gone......everything is rust colored.    If the snow wasn't so deep I'd probably have to venture out and find a bone yard   :D

Rockn H

I miss being able to be salvage by the pound.  G.P. Salvage shut their doors to the public and a lot of the G.P. employees here back in the summer.  They are now only open one day a month and the paper mill employees are the only ones allowed in. >:(  Oh well, the days of throwing everything, that wasn't bolted down, away when the big shots were coming couldn't last forever I guess. :D


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