iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Smells that make me happy

Started by Pete J, March 05, 2007, 03:42:46 PM

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In no particular order:

Freshly cut grass
Coffee beans
Rum cured tobacco (even though I don't smoke)
Wet pine sawdust just after its rained at night
If at first you dont succeed, try a bigger hammer


 My jasmine flowering late in the evening or early morning.
White pine saw dust. I tell Rita she should make a pine saw dust candle at Yankee Candle, and we all might be willin to go wit da hunies to da candle shop  ;D .
Ed K


In no particular order.

My late grandmothers perfume. I dont know what it was but I have been known to follow women down the street!

Orange blossoms in Florida

Pine sawdust I can just sit in the forest or on a log pile for hours.

Snowcat and locomotive diesel exhaust in the cold of winter. does nothing for me in the summer.

Dark rum

Exhaust from a 2 cycle snowmobile.

Firecracker smoke, .22 shells

To each his own!

comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable.


Hay being made
Bread in the oven
That one spring day when it really smells like spring
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


In no particular order

eastern red cedar
prescribed fire in the piney woods
freshly roasted and ground coffee brewing
yellow jasmine
apple pie in the oven

Lucas 618  Mahindra 4110, FEL and pallet forks, some cant hooks, and a dose of want-to


My wifes banana bread cooking.



MmMm sooo many good smells, now I'm hungry  :D
If at first you dont succeed, try a bigger hammer


Food. All of it DanGit bring it on! ;D
The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.


Walnut saw dust  dry   walnut sawdust green   Fresh whole wheat bread in the oven  Pumpkin pie on my plate   Maple syrup cooking down  fresh cut /made hay
Frick saw mill  '58   820 John Deere power. Diamond T trucks


Fresh baked bread ,food I didn't have to cook ,fresh tilled soil ,spring rain
He who dies with the most toys wins .


  Most of my favs have been mentioned.   Fresh turned soil, newly mowed hay,hot cinnomin rolls,pine sawdust.
Together we got this !


My favorite all time smell is from my childhood...

The smell of a baseball field.......

The rest...
Oak being milled
My Wife's chocolate chip cookies baking
A camp fire
Freshly turned earth

We all seem to have similar likes for smells..... ???
10 Acers in the Blue Ridge Mountains


Well, WDH, I like the smell of rattlesnake pretty well.  But, those big old stub-tailed moccassins stink.

That being said, I still like being to smell the both of them.  Well in advance.  Kinda like some humans.   

\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


Pine smoke
Top quality corn silage
Hemlock Bark Mulch
Pine Bark mulch
freshly plowed feild
Cow manure from a well managed herd " You can tell the difference" !!!
Apples in cold storage
The smell of a spring morning w/fresh dew!
my wife when she's gettin all Gussied up !!!
Good compost
Yankee Candels " Pine candel"
Yankee candels  " wood smoke candel"
fresh cut grass


Steaming hot coffee, columbo supremo is my favorite
Freshly mown hay
Black cherry being cut on the mill
Onions cooking in butter

The first time in spring that we get a good rain and then open the windows up to get rid of the collected smells from winter....come on spring!


I love the smell of woodsmoke especially the pine knots I use as fire starters.

I love the smell of diesel smoke, takes me back to when my Dad used to fire up his dozer whe I was a kid.

I love the smell of my smoker running on hickory, apple or red oak.

I also agree with many of the earler mentioned posts, grass, fresh turned earth, cedar sawdust...

I will not even start to talk food except to say that frying onions makes my heart skip a beat, Mom used to start alot of meals by frying onions.

The musty smell you get down by a river has a calming effect on me, why I could take a nap right now just thinking about it.

Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.


The soft fragrant smell of my wife
the leather interior of the '84 XJS
the air after a summer rain
honeysuckle and jasmine
a good scotch
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


Ahh, a good scotch, nectar of the gods 8) I love the smell of fresh cut timber on the log landing and fresh hot coffee. I also like new mown hay but it makes my fingers hurt remembering those wire tied 80 lb bales.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


Funny how smells can take you back to your childhood...first and second!
Spring rain
a field of lupine
bread baking

Now later...
pine trees around the lake
burgers on a grill

c'mon summer!!!! It's -25 with the wind today! A record low "high" for the date
Nancy B. Limberis
Circulation Manager
Sawmill & Woodlot Magazine


My bride used to keep a can of PLAY-DOH on top of the fridge. We would take that can down, open it up and share a big wiff. Musta been a childhood memory thing.

Bacon frying.
fresh cut hay.
That smell from the feed mill. I don't know what it is is, and it prolly don't taste good.....
Camp fires.
Hopps, properly hydrated of course, with a dose of barley ;D
"And the days that I keep my gratitude
Higher than my expectations
Well, I have really good days".    Ray Wylie Hubbard


Quote from: Engineer on March 05, 2007, 06:51:45 PM
fresh cut grass
black birch, freshly sawn green
onions cooking in butter
clean sheets

Actually my most vivid recollection of a "smell" was in March 1991, I was in senior year of college here in VT, it was cold and snowy and miserable, and some friends and I decided we were going to Puerto Rico for spring break (one of our classmates and friends was from there).  Anyway - stepped out of the airport into the outside air, it was about 11 pm, has just rained and was about 80 degrees.  The smell was like being in the world's biggest greenhouse.  It was unbelievable, and it stuck with me all that week and for months afterward.  I have never been in a greenhouse that smelled that intensely.  And I love the smell of "greenhouse".
We get that greenhouse smell a lot here in FL, right after a big summer thunderstorm. 80 degrees would be a rare cold snap, though. Our summer thunderboomers only cool it down for a few minutes.
I hope my ship comes in before the dock rots!


The river under the tail race
Bream beds when there spawning
skunk in passing
some books
cool weather when it first comes


   Asking such a loaded question ... this time of the year: the smell of  melting snow , soon the smell of maple syrop in the making . Haye being cut , opening a cherry log witht eh mill . 
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



When I was a little bitty kid, my Granddaddy would come in the house and jam his old hat onto my head.  Of course, it would fall right down over my face.  I will never forget the scent of that old hat, and OH would I love to smell it again.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


When I was a kid I liked the smell of gas when we filled up at the gas station.Also liked the smell of old grease on old,long unused logging equipment.

Fresh cut hay,Absorbine Jr,Yellow Cedar.

When we would go away for a week and have our dog with us,he'd start to whine and yip happily when we would come back through the Joffre pass and start to decend into the Pemberton Valley.I guess he could smell "home" in the air.
Science isn't meant to be trusted it's to be tested

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