iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Midwest Forest Products Show

Started by sawyerkirk, July 28, 2003, 05:48:27 AM

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Well Drat! I was hoping to get to meet Will J there.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I talked to Will right after he took over the top spot at TK.  Seemed really nice and willing to do what ever it takes to help the customer.

Maybe he can slide over and shake some hands.

We do appreciate TimberKing co-sponsoring the Forestry Forum ;)
Linda and I custom saw NHLA Grade Lumber, do retail sales, and provide Kiln Services full time.


Well we were going to try to make it on sat. but it looks like we will have to do friday instead...

I hope to meet as many FF members as possible, shake a few hands and maybe swap some stories. ;D

See ya there!
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.


I met Will_J at the Paul Bunyon show a couple years back and we had a good visit. We've been exchanging e-mail messages for quite some time.  I got one from him this evening saying he's going to be doing the Paul Bunyon show in a couple of weeks.  

Mary and I have talked about going even though it will be only one weekend after the Mid-West show.  It'd be our fall vacation.  We need a break.  We've worked every  evening, weekend and holiday since our trip south this spring.  

Early this week we were about caught up but then got three tractor-trailer loads of walnut logs to saw and another on the way.  That was on top of as much work as we could get out.  I think we'll just let the walnut go until later.  All work and no play!
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


I plan on being there most of the day saturday....really looking forward to it and I hope to run into as many members as possible....will be checking in at wm to see who has made the rounds.....


Checking in quickly from da holiday inn in Rolla MO.  Leaving in 5 minutes for Nobles. We got stalled out in Iowa the first day out. Ate a gas station hotdog and got food poisoned! I sure was not very good company for Electric Al and Linda but Tammt and I sure enjoyed meeting them and will go back someday soon.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


It is amazing what one DanG hotdog can do :o

Jeff and Tammy are very nice people.
We walked around and chatted.
When we got to the sawshop Jeff was feeling so bad he declined the opportunity to saw. ???

Tammy, Linda and I eat as poor Jeff sat and suffered.

By now Jeff was so miserble he asked Tammy to take him to a motel in town.

The departure was quick and I forgot to get a photo of Tammy's truck with Jeff's FF sticker >:(

But when they come back we're going to start with photos. ;D
Linda and I custom saw NHLA Grade Lumber, do retail sales, and provide Kiln Services full time.


Tammy's Truck?  What else did she tell you while I was incompasitated? >:(  :D

Well, were here at Nobles. I just traded some Pickled Baloney for some Pickled Okra (sp) and Noble and I were both impressed. We should get along fine. ;D

Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


I want to see how you get along with only one PC hooked to the Forestry Forum.   :D

Here is a picture of the lane to Noble's place taken from the first set of wagon wheels near the top of the hill.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Tammy also told me it was her red truck.   I guess
you hadn't got the word before.  :D
I'm glad I paid for the LT15 so I wouldn't have to put up
with the abuse.   ;D

Speaking of trucks,  has Noble taken you for
a ride down that famous hill and up the other side
around dead man's curve?  If so, did you chicken
out like I did?    ;)  Man I wouldn't want to see that
red FF truck harmed in any way. It's a cool truck.  :)

blue by day, orange by night and green in between

Bro. Noble

Oh way to go Whitepe >:(  Now I gotta listen to them fuss about who's pickup that is ;)  Jeff has a little button on his keychain that makes the red pickup go BEEP BEEP BEEP.  He went into a store and while Tammy and I were at the truck Jeff pushed the button------Claims he didn't know anything about it ::) I was just about to die of embarrassment. Every hill or curve (and there are several)  they want to know if that's the place Whitepe warned them about :D  Jeff has found several trinkets at junk shops for his sawmill/forestry collection.  Tammy has found a cute little school bus for her collection,  but that stubborn Jeff is hesitant about letting her get it :'(

Tomorrow we are looking forward  to visiting the Arkansawyer  :)
milking and logging and sawing and milking


I'll bet ole Jeffy had a purty hard time keeping a strait face while he tried to convince you and Tammy it was an accident.    ;)   I heard he'll do just about anything to bring attention to DA Forestry Pick-um-up.   ;D
I am a true TREE HUGGER, if I didnt I would fall out!  chet the RETIRED arborist


Tammy told me that I could tell you its my truck. ;D  So far there aint been a hill that the forum truck didnt chew up without complaint. I think suicide hill could be anyone of them on a friday night.
Just call me the midget doctor.
Forestry Forum Founder and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer.

Commercial circle sawmill sawyer in a past life for 25yrs.
Ezekiel 22:30


The going up and down those hills shouldn't be a problem
for that big V8 in the FF truck  ;D  It's that blind curve
at the top of the hill that will get your blood to pumping.  8)
Noble hasn't taken you there yet cause you would remember. :D
blue by day, orange by night and green in between


  Well I got a photo of the FF truck before it went over the "CURVE" and this is the red truck you have to watch for.  It followed me home from town and I had to wait on it twice.

  But they did make it to the farm after we tied on the feed bag and Jeff is over the hotdog as he sure seems to like apple cobbler. ;D  We had a nice but short visit and I sent them north over the ferry.

  I guess that they will make it to the Saw Show in a few days.


L ::)ks like they brought their "colorful native guide" and interpreter along.   :D

Mary and I are cranked up for the Mid-West Forestry Show tomorrow.   8)
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94



And you didn't even let Jeff run Wanda?   :D
It's probably a good thing cause Jeff might want one and Tammy woulda probably hit him.

Did they ever get sorted out whose truck it is?  ;D

I've had that colorful native guide before.   He's kinda good.   :)

blue by day, orange by night and green in between


We should be at the show about 930 or so, looking forward to meeting everyone and seeing all the cool stuff.
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.

Bro. Noble

Well here I am eating pickled balogna and missing Jeff and Tammy already.  They are a fun couple and I sure enjoyed their visit.  The Arkansawyer treated us to a good feed,  I can see why Bibbyman hung around the 'Front Porch" when he was there.  I learned stuff while we were there and enjoyed seeing his very interesting operation.  I was impressed with his new helper (and our new FF member) also.

As far as being a colorful guide,  I just as well tell you before Jeff does.  I was lost most of the time we traveled around. :-[  Luckily Jeff has a compass in that red truck.  Once we were wandering around in the woods and I asked him what kind of range that remote horn honker had.  He honked it without ever realizin I had no idea which way was which so we were able to find our way out :D

They must have had a deal that Jeff got to buy trinkets and junk on the way down and Tammy gets to invest in objects of interest to her on the way back.  Problem is Jeff about has that truck full already. :-/

They should be in St. Charles when they open the gate in the morning.
milking and logging and sawing and milking


Ah yes,  The Front Porch.

We eat supper there a couple of times and breakfast too. :o

See you'll in the morning - but maybe not quite when the gates open.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


  Nope! I kept Jeff off of Wanda.  He would not be right when he got back home.  I think that Noble was going to let him saw on his LT40.  
  I will miss out not being able to go to the show up there but I have to head South Saturday morning and will not be back till Sunday. :'(



Are you going to make it to the Ozark Farmfest next weekend in Springfield, MO?
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


I didn't think rain was in the forecast but we woke up to a thunderstorm this morning.  It rained and drizzled all the way to St. Charles.  

We got there a little after the doors opened and went straight to the Wood-Mizer display area to get some visiting in before everyone got busy.   But there was already a small crowd watching the LT70 with 62hp CAT knock the sawdust out of some very nice white oak. They brought every model but the LT40 Super. Maybe they had one hidden somewhere.  ???

Aeroswint was there with their trailers.  They were right next to the Wood-Mizer display.  You can get an idea of how threatening the skies were.  Sometimes it wasn't a threat but the real thing!

We toured the  grounds between showers and got into the main auditorium to see what was there.  We met up with DanLb and dad and Kevin_H and wife inside.

Later I got this picture of Kevin_H and wife heading for the Wood-Mizer display.

Sidekick Brooke thought it was like Halloween with about every other booth having candy.  She made out real good but they got her sweetest "Thank you!"  and smile in return.  She liked the big loaders and such and watched the pallet machines and grinders do their things.

We'd been looking for a log grapple for our Terex and Lund was there with an array of the models they make.  After a couple of visits and a demo,  we bought one.  I'll report later on how it works.

Another shot of Lund attachment - Erik Lund shows off how he can pinch one end of a log with the very edge of the grapple and still handle it.  I come from the Show-Me state.

Lady Bear carver.

A picture of Jeff B taking a picture.
Wood-Mizer LT40HDE25 Super 25hp 3ph with Command Control and Accuset.
Sawing since '94


Between the rain showers a good time was had by all. It was kinda interesting to watch the whole crowd at the show move as some of the big machines started up. seems like most of the crowd would migrate to the sound.

It was great to meet the Bibster again and to shake pro sawyer mary's hand.

Jeff looked OK until I offered to buy him a hot dog at the lunch stand  :D

Got to meet tammy and take a picture of her pretty red truck, she needs to get jeff busy, looked kinda dirty.

The way the storms are comming through, not sure any of the tents will be there tomorrow?
Got my WM lt40g24, Setworks and debarker in oct. '97, been sawing part time ever since, Moving logs with a bobcat.


Bibbyman & Kevin H. did Any one get a F.F. group picture  ::) looks like a grant show .
RMay in Okolona Arkansas  Sawing since 2001 with a 2012 Wood-Miser LT40HDSD35-RA  with Command Control and Accuset .

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