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Catching a tresspasser

Started by muddstopper, January 22, 2013, 06:18:12 PM

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We are trying to catch someone thats keeps tresspassing on our property. They always come late at night, at different times and usually several days apart, and are always in full camoflage. We have regular game cameras setup and have plenty of pics, but since they always wear a hood, we cant get a pic of their face. They hike in from over the mountain, using at least three different trails. We havnt noticed that they have done any damage, or had anything come up missing. I think the person is just passing thru, Still, I cant help but feel this person is up to no good. What I am looking for is some kind of camera or video system with a radio transmitter that can signal my house when the tresspasser is present. The area is about 1/2mile from the house and there is no cell service available. It would be nice if the camera could send pics to my computer so I could verify it is the tresspasser and not a bear or a deer setting off the camera before leaving the house. Has anybody here know of, or used, any kind of setup that might work.


Is this occurring year round, or just at certain times? I also wonder about the property adjoining yours.
Many Stihl Saws-16"-60"
"Go Ask The Other Master Chief"
18-Wheeler Driver


I have a neighbor who says he has a game camera that transmits the trail pics back to his computer, and he is about a mile away from that property. Don't know the brand he uses.

Here is one brand, LTL Acorn.
The video discusses the wireless option.
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others

blackfoot griz

Is the property properly marked with no trespassing signs?
If so, have you talked with the police?

Have you pulled any cameras and placed them closer to the house/cabin to try to verify
if they are stalking you or your stuff?

To me, it's creepy that they are only passing through at night wearing camo and hoods--that suggests that they know they are being "watched".
Do you know anybody that has a good pair of night vision binos you could borrow?


Hey, just because he hikes at night and wears what he wears doesn't mean he's trying to be sneaky.  Can you track him a little?


Wonder if he is growing something on your land? I have alot of people that walk on my land.When my stepson had a game camers set up we saw them.
Model 6020-20hp Manual Thomas bandsaw,TC40A 4wd 40 hp New Holland tractor, 450 Norse Winch, Heatmor 400 OWB,YCC 1978-79


Does he enter your property from the same general direction or from varying places.  Have your neighbors noticed anything?  How did you spot him to begin with?  Any roads that they could park on to hike in?  Lots of ????
My father once said, "This is my son who wanted to grow up and become a doctor.  So far, he's only become a doctor."


There was a guy up here a few years ago and another down your way a bit before that who built a little shelter out in the woods and holed up.  They would steal little things like 2x4s and tarps and small amounts of canned goods and food from alot of different people so it wasn't picked up on for some time...
Woodshop teacher, pasture raised chicken farmer
34 horse kubota L-2850, Turner Band Mill, '84 F-600,
living in self-built/milled timberframe home

Chris Burchfield



Woodmizer LT40SH W/Command Control; 51HP Cat, Memphis TN.

red oaks lumber

you said he is using 3 trails, if they are on your property use snare traps garuneteed you'll catch him! you didnt set the snares to catch him. "wink"
the experts think i do things wrong
over 18 million b.f. processed and 7341 happy customers i disagree


from a legal standpoint i would advise against the snare idea,.... just sayin.


We discoverd the tresspasser by accident. We placed  trail cams to record game movements and one day this person just happen to get their picture took. We check the cameras weekly and his pic has shownup more than a few times. I doubt he knows his picture is being taken, or simply doesnt care, otherwise, why would he keep taking the same trail. I cant say this person is doing anything illegal, or messed with anything that belongs to me, but I just want to know why hes out tramping thru the woods late at night. There is nothing around there, no close houses or roads, just woods. Its a half mile to my house, but if hes wondering next to my camera sites, theres no telling where else he is wondering around.

The cameras that transmit back to your phone or internet wont work in this area. No cell phone service for them to transmitt over. My brother has a video camera setup in his barn to watch the horses that transmits wirelessly back to his house, but the range simply isnt there. I am trying to find a similar setup that has a little better range. We can use either batter powered cameras, or we can take a car battery and inverter for the ac cameras. Might even setup a little solar panel to keep the battery charged. Anyways, if the guy keeps sneaking thru, I will eventually catch him, but I sure would like to ID him first.


I'd have a visit with the local Sheriff and discuss with them what you have discovered. The time at night might be important, which you can get from your trail cams. That is one option you may want to take, or may not. ;)

Is he walking a trail or a road? Using a flashlight?
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Talking with the sheriff might help, I guess. I really dont have much confidence that they will be able to do anything. they certainly aint going to stake out the area just because someone is hiking thru the woods. Now, if i could find a dope patch or some other illegal activity, they might try and do something. I am just guessing that if I can Id the person, I can confront them in a public area, show them the pics, and just ask them why there are there. I dont care about the tresspassing, they havnt bothered anything, I just think it is odd that they are even there in the first place.

We are going to be installing video cameras at the house, been wanting to do that for a while anyways. People walking thru the woods a half mile from the house is one thing, dont let me catch them in sneaking around in my yard late at night.


Is he carrying anything with him?  A pack, a rifle, a saw?  If he comes through at night, he might not notice the cameras, which are pretty easy to spot during the day, if they have no flash.  IR still has a small red light that might tip him off.  How far from is it from where you have taken his picture to reache a public road, your neighbors property, and civilization?

So.....since he's doing this surreptitiously at night, and you can't ID him, let's consider why he would be there at that time of day.....

1.  Shortcut to where he lives.
2.  Walks home the long way to avoid being seen after visiting the neighbor (or his wife).
3.  Drug sale / manufacture related behavior.
4.  Hunting / poaching related behavior.
5.  His way of sneaking in and out of his own home.
6.  He's meeting someone else at a faraway spot.

Any other reasons why someone repeatedly walks through someone else's woods at night?

I also agree, absolutely no traps / snares.  You will end up on the short legal end of that decision if you do.
My father once said, "This is my son who wanted to grow up and become a doctor.  So far, he's only become a doctor."


I don't see how it would hurt anything letting local LE know what is going on.

Hmm, Western NC. Eric Rudolph was able to avoid capture for 5 years on the FBI's ten most wanted list in those parts.


Quote from: Claybraker on January 23, 2013, 06:01:01 PM
I don't see how it would hurt anything letting local LE know what is going on.

Hmm, Western NC. Eric Rudolph was able to avoid capture for 5 years on the FBI's ten most wanted list in those parts.

Yep, they found his truck about 1/2mile from where i lived at that time, and they caught him about 1/2mile from where I currently live. There are nut cases everywhere.

To answer a few questions. The cameras are setup along a old logging road, pretty easy walking. I havent seen him carrying anything, no backpack or sacks to hide anything. I havent seen a flashlight either.

Yes he could just be passing thru going home, or whatever. There is a housing development across the back side of the mountain, probably coming from there, and a public road not far away from the camera area. I could speculate till the cows come home, but if I can ever see his face, I might even know who it is.

I dont have any intention of setting any traps to catch the person. I just want to know who it is

Peter Drouin

To bad you don't have snow you could track him to his door, I went out back on my land to get a tree and saw tracks in the snow, he went around my morebark chiper but did not touch it,
and no I did not track him,my land is not posted
A&P saw Mill LLC.
45' of Wood Mizer, cutting since 1987.
License NH softwood grader.


might just be out for a walk at night but letting local LE know might be good as perhaps there has been criminal activity in the area and there is an investigation going and your little slice of evidence might be the big break they need.
Woodshop teacher, pasture raised chicken farmer
34 horse kubota L-2850, Turner Band Mill, '84 F-600,
living in self-built/milled timberframe home


Logging roads often look like they are open to the public.  If they are not marked, this may jsut be someone going from one place to another in your neighborhood and nothing more.  I agree that it would be nice to know who he is, however.  How hard are you going to work at finding out?
My father once said, "This is my son who wanted to grow up and become a doctor.  So far, he's only become a doctor."


is he/she always going the same  direction, same time of nite, what time at nite,  have u moved the cameras  on the trail one way or the other to see if he turns off the  trail.


contact the local LE. they may have something happening that coincides with the time frame your visitor is passing through.
they also may have some video equipment that could be better than what is available for the civilian market...

worth checking into... they just may say thanks and yes lets check it out...
cleaning up wildfire damage...
making lumber and siding out of wildfire damaged trees.


Here's what you do.

Call Chris Hansen with NBC's "To Catch a Predator".

He will go out there and set up a kitchen with Sweet Tea and Chocolate cookies, and the Trespasser will come right to you.  :D
The older I get I wish my body could Re-Gen.


Put a note pad  on a stake in the trail with a sign telling the person to sign their name and phone number as they pass through.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


Quote from: pigman on January 24, 2013, 06:46:36 PM
Put a note pad  on a stake in the trail with a sign telling the person to sign their name and phone number as they pass through.

I actually thought about hanging a sign saying, Smile, your on candid camera, but then thought they might start looking for the camera and possibly steal or damage it.

On top of the mountain, there are several trails going is different directions. Lots of houses on the other side. Lots of kids also. Once you cross to my side of the mountain, only a old logging road cutting across the property. It looks like they come across the mountain, hit the logging road, and walk out to the main highway. I dont really have a problem if this is all they are doing, but It would be a lot shorter, if the person is indeed coming from one of the housing developments, to hit the highway on their side of the mountain. The fact that they choose to cross the mountain and walk where they do is what has me wanting to know what they are up to.

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