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Poll: Voting

Started by Ron Wenrich, October 29, 2006, 06:49:53 PM

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Ron Wenrich

Poll expires 11-13-06

The fall elections are coming up in a few weeks in the US.  Are you a voter? 
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


I didn't cast  a vote in this poll cause i didn't see a catagory i feel like fits. I try to vote when ever i can but it seems that i am usualy away from home at voting time. Can't vote this go around because i have just moved from Texas to Arkansas. LeeB
'98 LT40HDD/Lombardini, Case 580L, Cat D4C, JD 3032 tractor, JD 5410 tractor, Husky 346, 372 and 562XP's. Stihl MS180 and MS361, 1998 and 2006 3/4 Ton 5.9 Cummins 4x4's, 1989 Dodge D100 w/ 318, and a 1966 Chevy C60 w/ dump bed.


I have voted in all elections since 1966 except the ones while I was on the tropical vacation in 1968 and1969. I am sure I voted for the wrong candidates most of the time,  but I voted . ;D
Things turn out best for people who make the best of how things turn out.


I try to vote in all of them but do miss a school election and a primary on occasion.  Haven't missed a General Election since I was old enough to vote :)
Burnt Gunpowder is the Smell Of Freedom


I figure if you don't vote , you don't have a right to gripe.


I try to vote in every election. I figure if I don't, I get the government I deserve and have no right to complain.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I'm looking forward to this election year being OVER. Our gubernatorial election this year has been one of the most negative I can remember, in fact all of the major Michigan contests have been.  I dont want to vote for either candidate do I'll vote to try to empower our president rather then leaving him unable to act the next 2 years as he may need to on things. :-\
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


I try to vote in them all. Sadly i have only voted for two canidates, i vote against people most times.


 I put all elections, but I have missed a few town votes  :o . Jeff, I think all the gov. races in all states are bad. We watch Ma. & Conn. tv stations and they'er both digging in the mud, kinda makes you feel sick.
Ed K


Here is an idea for a TV show that would make Politicians vote for the right side of the issues instead of lobbyists or special interests.
The show should be called "America Votes". In the same spirit as American Idol which receives a 50 million viewer audience. Both sides of an issue could be presented and then voted on by phone or computer.  Imagine the pressure the politicians would have on their votes cast and reported on the next show. They may break party lines and work together more.  Maybe even show up for the vote.
The first show could be on whether or not there should be a one year moratoriam on Lobbying.  I believe the response would be tremondous. Maybe NBC could come up with it as they are last in the ratings.
In the Florida Gov. race we have 2 choices.  I don't care for either one. Probly gonna vote for the grey haired guy. :D


I figure if you don't vote you can't complain,  and living in this state I need to complain. >:(
Together we got this !


I vote in all elections and frequently do not vote for the person who wins. I frequently want to throw the bum out but can't find enough people who care enough to do that.


Mooseherder that is a very interesting premise.
I can change my profile okay. No errors. If you can,t remove all the extra info in other fields and try.


The campaigning in Ohio has become so negative that I wish there were another choice such as "none of the above"
John B


Have heard of a proposal for "none of the above". If "none of the above" were to win, there would be a new election with a new slate of candidates. Would sure like to see that. But around here, the incumbent would still win.


Along these "poll" lines, has anyone ever taken part in those poll's the television talking heads are always using?  You know - the "approval ratings " and such.  I have never been involved as well as anyone that I know.  Who are these people that are being polled? :-\
I do what the little voices in my wife's head tell me to do.

Michigan Mike

I vote in every ellection I can. I don't think  I have missed  more than 3 or 4. If  I don't vote I can't gripe. Unfortunatly I often find myself voting against  a cantidate rather than for one. I try not to be a single issue voter but have strong feelings about self defense and sometimes end up voting against  a cantidate I would otherwise vote for.


The polltakers don't like me. I have a very low opinion of polls and my response is NOYB. I love to see polls proved wrong.


I've try to vote at every election, of course the election booth is only 1 mile from my house :-\   I vote, yet still wonder why I do.

I drove to frederick, md today.  I saw enough signs posted in yards to probably save a small forest.  I'm suprised the tree huggers aren't protesting.  Yet, the second someone puts a nativity scene out or a religious sign, or "name your ACLU complaint here", they gripe.

Did I mention I don't like Polls either!!!! >:( 

Or those automated phone calls that leave a message.   You wanna impress me, call me personally :D
Making Sawdust on a Woodmizer LT40SHD CAT 51 /WM Twin Blade Edger and WM DH Kiln


I always vote. It is something I am glad that I am able to do, and wouldn't miss it for anything. Many peoples around the world cannot vote......

I don't like polls either, and I particularly don't like the "everyone get out to vote" campaigns. If people don't want to vote, that makes my one vote that much more important. These campaigns to haul people to the polls, bribe them to vote, etc. are a sham (but one party seems to think they are a real help to them).

I also don't like when I hear that absentee ballots are distributed to the nursing homes, and the nursing aides are helping the 'elderly' fill out the ballots. Really wrong, IMO.

Locally, we now have to be registered to vote. I support that.
However, learning how to count votes seems to become more difficult every year.  ::)

Regards negative ads for candidates, I don't think they change anyones mind that is already made up. However, I do think it riles up some non-voting people enough that they go vote. I am against any attempt to control campaing financing if the money isn't "outside" money. That money gets spent by those willing to give it, and the money helps the economy as it goes for paper, people, and "jobs" for many. And I could rattle on and on....... but won't :)
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


With all the ads they are running now it seems like instead of choosing the best candidate, you need to vote for the lesser of 2 evils  ::)
A.A.S. in Forest Technology.....Ironworker


I don't believe the ads that are against my candidate selection. :)  I particularly like to hear what the candidates are intending to do when (if) elected.
I was 'specially impressed with a one party that came up with a "contract for America" once.  I'd like to see more commitment from the candidates. When saying negative things about the other, I lose some respect for them, but still know they must play the game.  Those who have tried the "only be positive" game, unfortunately often lose the election.  Maybe they need to show some 'fight' to get elected.
south central Wisconsin
It may be that my sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others


Well, I don't wear my britches cinched up somewhere between my buttocks and my knees, but I still feel quite content to complain about those who do, to those who do, mostly.

In America, everyone is supposed to have the right to complain, or not.  Of course, complaining is generally  a negative energy, which is a personal energy drain, accomplishing nothing.

I do not comprehend a possibility of  a lesser of two evils.  An evil is an evil, and I never knew them to be given levels of adjustment.

Most of the time, there are always candidates for an office that are not of the 'lesser of two evil' ilk.  They are generally not groomed by the corporate sponsorship, therefore not getting the money/exposure of the 'evils'.  Shoot, some of them might even wear overalls and actually be as human as to have to use toilet paper (or reasonable substitute).

One of those actual freedoms, is the freedom to vote for whomever I wish.  As likely as not, it is not for one of the two major parties' candidates.  It doesn't matter to me what party they are with, or if they have no party.  I try and do as much research (away from mainstream media/campaign hullabaloo) as can on an individual.

I vote for whomever I believe.  Doesn't matter to me what anyone votes.  Most of my personal research finds most of the folks actually voted into office are no more or less than maleable chowderheads, led around by others' whims and notions.

Seldom do those I vote for  ever get voted into office.   The ones that do, are generally local elections.  
\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung

Ron Wenrich

My state doesn't allow me to vote in primaries.  Only Republicans and Democrats are important enough to vote in primaries.  I've been registered as an Independent for 30 years.

As for campaign financing, do yourself a favor and pick a candidate and see where the money comes from.  You'll be amazed at how much cash comes from places like your phone company, your health care company, and a bunch of other companies that take that money from consumers.  Then they get to use it agaist you.
Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


Well looks like one more week of ramped up attack ads before the elections.
The local news story of the night for Palm Beach county was about another disgraced county commissioner who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Seems he made 10 million dollars off some land deals with South Florida Water management district, Palm Beach Aggregates and another developer. He gets to turn himself in on Friday. ;)
I've met and talked with this guy a couple times. He was pretty full of himself.  BTW, he also owns an insurance business. :P