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Hanging dogs . . . . . .

Started by TexasTimbers, August 20, 2007, 02:54:12 PM

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I don't keep up with sports or celebrities but I just heard where michael vick, the highly over-rated QB for the Atlanta Falcons just pled guilty to the charges against him at least in part.

He was accused of running a dogfighting ring, and rumored to have participated in all sorts of  fairly evil and shocking activities such as drowning and hanging dogs that did not fight well.

He is probably gonna get between 18 and 36 months in jail even though he copped a plea bargain. I know most of you will tend to say "I don't care" because I am of the same sort of ilk. But here it makes me wonder. If this was you or me having done this don't you think PITA would see to it that an average Joe would get thrown under the jail?

A grown man with the world at his feet hanging and drowning and alledegly torturing dogs. I have been listening to ESPN radio and they are saying that . . . he really did not "negotiate" but he pretty much "surrendered". The government pushed him so hard into a corner that any lawyer would have advised his client to plea immediately.

One of us would have been thrown under the jail and Vick is getting a year and a half maybe. Nothing new under the sun.
The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.


"A grown man with the world at his feet". We really have to wonder. So many of the celebrities have screwed up badly it is almost a non event.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm

Raider Bill

Hopefully the new NFL commish will stomp down hard on this type of behaviour. They really need to set the pace for dealing with our sports prima donnas.
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


Thanks, Kev.

I had heard/seen the name bantered about a bit, but didn't have a clue as to who (and their 'claim to fame') this Vick fellow was/is.

Was a good long while before I knew Paris Hilton wasn't a hotel.  Still haven't a clue as to her 'claim to fame'.   

Still don't know Smith girl did to become famous/infamous.

One thing I do know though, if you are working fighting dogs, it ain't the dog's fault he fares poorly.  It is the trainer.

From what I can tell, the fellow didn't even have the decency to eat his kill.

What a world. 
\\\"In the end, it is a moral question as to whether man applies what he has learned or not.\\\" - C. Jung


I think it was about 10 years ago I decided that professional sports is about thugs. Take a youngster and throw more money than they ever thought existed and then watch them explode.  Sometimes I think the show is not about the sport but about what crime did they commit today.  >:(

I really like cycling and in the past I enjoyed the Tour de France, but now it seems to just be a bunch of dopers. Thanks but no thanks.

I think I will go fishing...
So, how did I end up here anyway?


I know what you mean. My dad and I used to watch the Sunday games together but I have pretty much quit watching all sports except the Stanley Cup some years and America's Cup.

The logging competitions and World's Strongest Man competitions on ESPN 2 are pretty fun too.
The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.

Raider Bill

Quote from: tcsmpsi on August 20, 2007, 03:29:25 PM
Thanks, Kev.

I had heard/seen the name bantered about a bit, but didn't have a clue as to who (and their 'claim to fame') this Vick fellow was/is.

Was a good long while before I knew Paris Hilton wasn't a hotel.  Still haven't a clue as to her 'claim to fame'.   

Still don't know Smith girl did to become famous/infamous.

One thing I do know though, if you are working fighting dogs, it ain't the dog's fault he fares poorly.  It is the trainer.

From what I can tell, the fellow didn't even have the decency to eat his kill.

What a world. 

Well let's see, Vick is a average QB for the Atlanta Falcons. Really his claim to fame before this was as a scrambler.
PAris Hilton is a HOtel but it seems she has calmed down quite a bit since doing jail time. Time will tell if she learned anything. My money is on she didn't.
Anna Nicloe Smith just married a rich man for love. Money I'm sure didn't have anything to do with it. She was a just a poor misunderstood  texas stripper that hooked up with a gratuitous older man. Poor thing. Makes you sad doesn't it. :-\ :o
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


It wasnt until I moved to the Decatur GA area and met some neighbors into pitbulls and fighting that I met people of Vick's mentality. Basically a way to make big under the table cash and no thought at all to the animal's suffering. After learning more about them, I wouldn't turn my back on them, and that is putting it kindly.

I think the quote "You can take the kid out of the ghetto, but, can't take the ghetto out of the kid" applies here. Just a sub-culture thing that gets ingrained from youth, that they can't give up, that they find addictive.

Makes me want to puke.

Raider Bill

I'd like to see him put into a ring with one of his dogs as punishment.  I bet his scrambling would come in handy ;D
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


Vic needs to do about 15 years.  He had life by the nards and now it is totally ruined.  No one will want the exposure of him or his crime on their team.  Justice is served.  Maybe they can use him as a training dummy for attack police dogs ;D
Timberking B-20, Hydraulics make me board quick

Raider Bill

He will do his time then some team will pick him up. With my luck it will be my RAIDERS as they like the outcasts.
The First 70 years of childhood is always the hardest.
My advice on aging gracefully... ride fast bikes and date faster women, drink good tequila, practice your draw daily, be honest and fair in your dealings, but suffer not fools. Eat a hearty breakfast, and remember, ALL politicians are crooks.


He might do a year according to the press. He might be eligible for reinstatement in the NFL but who would want him.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm

jim king

Try this site.  It has a few pictures of the "RESCUE CENTER" of the Department of Natural Resources of Peru FUNDED AND DIRECTED BY TE WWF.  At least that is what their advertising says.  I have photos of this "Rescue Center " that would make you throw up.


  Cock and dog fights are big business in the South.  Outlawed, but none the less, big business.  Some do treat the critters real well but do fight them to the death most of the time.  It is a shame, but human nature.
  I quite watching sports about 1981 when I was in the ARMY.  As a young soldier pulling down $3,800 a year and putting my life on the line I got mad when the baseball players went on strike because a Rookie only started for $118,000 a year.   I know some fans get upset when you loose but no one is shooting at you or sitting land mines under the bases.  Have not watched a baseball, basketball or football game since.  Do watch a Stock Car race from time to time (I only get 3 channels) and some Golf (even though I do not play cow pasture pool).  Like the Olympics and think that big bicyle race was cool but can not tell who is winning or who is on drugs.
  If it were my coin they needed to live on, they would have to go find a REAL job.
  As for PITA maybe we should all go over to their web site and point this out to them, then maybe they would leave us alone over the hootie owls and big ivory peckers.


Quote from: crtreedude on August 20, 2007, 04:17:09 PM
I think it was about 10 years ago I decided that professional sports is about thugs. Take a youngster and throw more money than they ever thought existed and then watch them explode.  Sometimes I think the show is not about the sport but about what crime did they commit today.  >:(

I really like cycling and in the past I enjoyed the Tour de France, but now it seems to just be a bunch of dopers. Thanks but no thanks.

I think I will go fishing...

Yes, all of this is what drove me away from most professional team sports.

The only team sport I care about at all is college football, but I am beginning to have my problems with it also.

About the only sports (competitive or not) I care about watching any more are (followed by the reasons):

1) The Olympics: just because they are the Olympics

2) Golf: It is just about the purest sport remaining.  One man, one club, one ball, no help.  He hits it and it either goes in the fairway or in the hole or it doesn't.  The best combination of natural talent and work ethic usually wins (can you say Tiger?).  Nobody else to blame it on and very little room for doping.  And they play for prize money - they ones that do better win more.

3) Fishing: Same as golf - one man, one pole in hand, no help.  You throw the bait and you either catch a fish or you don't.  It is all about knowing there where, how, when, and what.  Again, talent and work ethic.  Same as golf with prize money.

Some will say that golf and fishing have a high degree of luck - and I suppose that is true.  But those that have talent *and* work hard require less luck, and when they do get lucky they are usually in a better position to capitalize on it than those who are less committed.   


A friend who was in radio once interviewed Dave Barr Sr who had aspired to get his pro card and play the PGA tour. They had to attend a school and at the end were paired with a touring professional. Barr and his partner were approached by Jack Nicklaus and almost wet themselves. These guys were in the presence of God.:D
They played 9 holes then Jack asked Dave "How many balls do you shoot a day?" Barr, being cocky, replied " Oh, 200-250."
Nicklaus " Get up to 1000 and we will talk. You have a good swing we can work on." :o
Nicklaus then told him he was not trying to be smart, he would hit 250 at one hole. If Barr wanted to play with the pro's that is the kind of effort required.  Too many of the over paid under achievers in professional sports have lost sight of that goal.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


I am another one who is tired of watching professional sports. I do like to watch my college football and occassionally basketball. But the college sceen is also letting players get by with things and covering things up.

It really made mad when the team I cheer for several years ago played a player in a big bowl game who was just charged with rape a couple of days earlier. He was later cleared of charges although what happened was not much better. I think he should have been held out until he was proven innocent. What happened should have led to disciplinary action of being with held from the game. I believe before this all happpened at the end of that year there was no doubt but the team I cheered could have beated anybody. They ended up playing terrible that day as it affected the whole team.

I was glad to hear last year when the new coach suspended one of the starters for a game. The reason was he talked back to a Campus police officer (he did not show respect for authority). I really hope this coach stays and develops into a good coach because I respect him for that decision. I hope he never changes his expectations.
"Said the robin to the sparrow, I wonder why it must be, these anxious human beings rush around and worry so?"
"Said the sparrow to the robin, Friend I think it must be, they have no heavenly father, such as cares for you and me."
author unknown. Used to hang above parents fireplace.


As to Pro sports salaries, do you guys think that $110,000 for each time at bat is excessive?    That is very hard work and so much pressure. Seriously, some are actually making that much. And then they expect some poor schmuck to pay 3 days wages to take the boy or girl to see a game.  I say we all quit immediately supporting them in any way. I can say that I have. Joe
Let's all be careful out there tomorrow. Lt40hd, 22' Kenworth Flatbed rollback dump, MM45B Mitsubishi trackhoe, Clark5000lb Forklift, Kubota L2850 tractor


All pro sports are fixed except for Pro Wrestling and Roller Derby and I'm beginning to become suspicious about Roller Derby! ;D
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


Are you da Charlie dat is da brother of Tom?
Long time no see.
Have you become a lurker? ;)

Good to see yer lathe still a spinnin.


Hey Charlie!  Where th' cat hair have you been?  Oh well, ya ain't gotta tell us if ya don't want to.  By the way, I stole the "cat hair" line while you wuz gone.  I got a copyright on it, so you'll have to ask before you use it again. ;D ;)

Haytrader, is that yer Boy in the new avatar?  Good lookin' kid, but he really otter update that haircut.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Yeah, right.
Pic is vintage 1967
Just bein silly.
You got one from that era?


Well, no, but I seen one over at my Dad's house last week.  I'll see if I can get a copy of it.  It was from '67 also, but I had this stoopid lookin' hat on.
"I don't feel like an old man.  I feel like a young man who has something wrong with him."  Dick Cavett
"Beat not thy sword into a plowshare, rather beat the sword of thine enemy into a plowshare."


Quote from: sawguy21 on August 20, 2007, 11:52:30 PM

Nicklaus " Get up to 1000 and we will talk. You have a good swing we can work on." :o

A good athlete practices until he gets it right. A great athlete practices until he can't get it wrong.

My $.02,

The essence of loyalty is reciprocity.


Quote from: theorm on August 22, 2007, 01:36:24 AM
Quote from: sawguy21 on August 20, 2007, 11:52:30 PM

Nicklaus " Get up to 1000 and we will talk. You have a good swing we can work on." :o

A good athlete practices until he gets it right. A great athlete practices until he can't get it wrong.

My $.02,


.... and a prodigy don't gotta practice at all. :D

Ain't many of them though.
The oil is all in Texas, but the dipsticks are in D.C.

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